9 Most Bizarre Deals in Bars And Restaurants

9 Strangest Free Offers At Bars & Restaurants

1. A Brooklyn Bar Will Give You Free Booze If You Cut Off Your Man Bun

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The man bun—which, as you likely know, is the popular colloquial term for a topknot on a male human—was quick to become one of the most ridiculed hairstyles in memory when it emerged a few years back. Often paired with heavy sweaters or henley shirts (or shirts that otherwise have an unusually wide neckline), the man bun is for the guy in your life who views himself as both gruff and fashion-forward.

One Brooklyn bar has such strong feelings about the look that hopes to make it a thing of the past by helping man-bun-owners transition to a different hairstyle in 2017. To achieve this, Bushwick’s Boobie Trap is offering a “full bottle of booze” to anyone who will cut off their man bun in the bar.

Speaking to Brokelyn, Boobie Trap co-owner Kristen North said, “I don’t think they’re cute and just think I’ve seen way too many of them last season and want to help along a new style sensation.” Though as of January 3 no one had taken up the offer, North said that if anyone did, the bar would film the impromptu haircut.

So, what do the bunned men of the world think of the policy?

Sam Lemonick is a journalist and has a man bun, and he thinks the world has been tough for those who choose the progressive hairstyle.

“I do think society has stigmatized the man bun, but I also think we deserve it,” Lemonick told MUNCHIES. “I guess I’m a self hating man bun… man.”

When asked if he’d cut off his statement hair in exchange for booze, he asked, reasonably, “How much booze?” A free beer wouldn’t be enough, but he said he’d “do it for free drinks all night.”

Fellow man-bun-wearer Brett Veerhusen adds, “I’d listen to my mom or fiancé, but I’d never be desperate enough to listen to a bar and cut off my mun. But it’s clearly a valiant effort to garner media attention, bravo!

“There’s a strange public affinity and disdain with the man bun, which doesn’t bother me one way or another. Embrace the way you look and if you’re willing to cut your hair off just for a free Moscow Mule, then that’s your prerogative.”

Jim Watkins, the owner of Sociable Cider Werks in Minneapolis, had a man bun until a couple of months ago when he “did a TV spot and saw myself on screen.” 

“Looked like a total dirtbag,” he told MUNCHIES, though he admits he was closer to ponytail territory at the time. “My wife and mother had been telling me that for a year. Took the small screen to wake me up.

“People hating on the bun bad,” he added.

Watkins thought a single beer would be a bit light, but anything would have appreciated. “I mean, I did it for zero compensation, so yeah, a return would have been sweet,” he said.

Boobie Trap declined to comment on the man bun special, but added they “are in the business of getting people drunk” and that the special was meant to be silly. The bar is known for its irreverent attitude.

As far as we know, the special is still on, so if you’re looking for a way to shed your shame and score free booze out of it, Boobie Trap could your savior. Happy man bun-less new year.

2. Chinese restaurant promises free food to the beautiful

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A restaurant in central China is offering free meals to its most attractive clients.

The Jeju Island restaurant, a Korean eatery in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, says the 50 most handsome people to arrive at its gates each day will be spared paying their bills.

Those hoping for a free lunch have their looks evaluated by a panel of local plastic surgeons whose tummy-tucking talents the restaurant is attempting to promote.

Before eating guests are taken to a "beauty identification area" where they are photographed and considered. Potential diners are judged on the quality of their faces, eyes, noses and mouths. Protruding foreheads are a particular advantage, according to reports.

As news of the promotion spread, Chinese internet users debated how they might fare at the restaurant.

"I reckon I can get a one per cent discount with my face," joked one user of Weibo, the social media site.

"Do the ugly have to pay twice?" wondered another.

The restaurant's owners appear to be more concerned with physical appearance than English language skills. "Free meal for Goodlooking," read a bright pink sign that was hung outside the eatery last Saturday to advertise the newly launched promotion.

Authorities in Zhengzhou were unimpressed, accusing the initiative of damaging the city's image and claiming the garish sign did not have official permission.

On Tuesday teams of security guards and demolition workers descended on the restaurant to remove the sign, China News Service reported.

Xue Hexin, the restaurant manager, vowed that the free meals for the beautiful would not be stopped.
"We will be more prudent with our advertising in future," she said. "But the promotion will continue despite the demolition of our sign."

3. Want a Discount at this Restaurant? Impersonate a Character

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Maybe they also do senior citizen or group discounts, but you can never be sure which television or movie character to impersonate until you show up at Not a Burger Stand and look at the chalkboard. This family-style restaurant in Burbank, California will take off a percentage if you use the right voice or wear the right costume. You can even eat free if you’re Patrick Stewart or arrive in a TARDIS.

4. McDonald’s Will Soon Accept Hugs As Payment

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McDonald’s is taking love as legal tender.

As part of a promotional offer from Feb. 2 through Valentine’s Day, the fast-food behemoth will be accepting expressions of affection as payment for food. Winners will be randomly selected at pre-designated times at participating McDonald’s locations, and a McDonald’s employee will instruct them to perform a “random act of Lovin’.”

The company will announce the “Pay with Lovin’” campaign in a commercial slated to air Sunday during Super Bowl XLIX.

The ad, which hit YouTube on Friday, features peppy McDonald’s cashiers surprising incredulous customers by requesting they pay for their food by dancing, hugging their companions or calling their mothers to say “I love you.”

Terri Hickey, a McDonald’s spokeswoman, said the company expects about 1 million customers to benefit from the giveaway. Each participating restaurant will have 100 such deals, 55 of which are divided between the first two days of the campaign, according to the official rules.

This promotion comes at a rocky time for McDonald’s, which saw the abrupt departure of its chief executive this week amid slumping sales.

Super Bowl ad slots, which cost $4.5 million for 30 seconds, can be powerful tools for spurring sales. A study released this month by professors from Stanford University and Humboldt University Berlin found that advertisers’ return on the investment can be as high as 258 percent.

5. San Francisco bar offers free drink to Google Glass wearers

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 Worried you'll get punched for wearing Google Glass in public? Take heart, at least one San Francisco bar has got your back.

Google Glass wearers are now entitled to one free drink at the Stanford Hotel, a boutique hotel in city's tony Nob Hill neighborhood, according to the San Francisco Gate.

"The complimentary drink is geared toward the local tech crowd who own a pair, and might feel like an outcast or nuisance due to the recent string of negative press," a hotel spokesperson told the newspaper.
The novelty computer worn on one's face has become a concentrated symbol of hyper-gentrification in the Bay Area, and recently a woman claimed she was attacked and robbed for wearing a pair in a bar.

6. Prove you’re on a Tinder date and get a free shot at this Bushwick bar

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A thing you might not realize about your awkward Tinder date at the bar is that everyone else around you probably realizes it’s an awkward Tinder date. There’s something about the body language, the stilted conversation, the way you keep sneaking glances at your date’s face because the Tinder profile pic was so small (or possibly a Waffle House). The folks behind Bushwick’s Alphaville bar noticed this a lot too, so they built a special around it to ease your date jitters: prove you’re on a Tinder date, and you’ll get a free shot, from Monday through Wednesday.

“It was just a joke that bar manager Kait Browne put up there when we got that sign,” bar owner Skyler Insler said. “As a bartender, you can almost always spot which customers are on a Tinder/OkCupid date because of a certain kind of awkwardness they exude. But the free shots are definitely a real thing that happens now!”

How do you actually prove you’re on a Tinder date? You can probably pull out your phone and show your match, if you’re brave enough to give the bartender a peek at your Tinder pickup lines.

It’s probably a good litmus test for the relationship. If you try to get free shots at a bar does your date think you’re cheap or appreciate your initiative?” Insler asks. “Shooottttssss. Shots is the answer.”

Alphaville also has some famous chicken “Nugz,” if you’re into eating birds, and shows in the back, so this could turn into quite the well-rounded date by the end of the night.

7. Restaurant offers great deal for extremely specific demographic.

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This Charleston, S.C., restaurant seems to have had a stroke of money-saving brilliance by offering customers a meal deal that almost no customer could ever qualify for. So far it appears a grand total of one guy has fit their rigid specifications, and we're pretty sure he's not the Bill Murray they had in mind. And don't bother trying to fool them — we've already shown up with a set of golf clubs, an old Ghostbusters Halloween costume, and Brian Doyle-Murray, and still no luck.

8. A Restaurant Where Anyone over 350 Pounds Eats for Free

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A restaurant in Chandler, Arizona will serve free food to anyone over 350 pounds. It's called the Heart Attack Grill, and its managers just hired a 600-pound man named Blair River to be a model in their commercials:

Blair River stands 6 feet 8 inches tall and weighs about 600 pounds. His weight and his enthusiasm for the food at Chandler's Heart Attack Grill have won him a $100-an-hour modeling contract.

This week he shot a YouTube video commercial to promote the grill, which invites anyone over 350 pounds to eat for free.[...]

The Heart Attack Grill, at 6185 W. Chandler Blvd. near Kyrene Road, has a medical theme. Waitresses are dressed in skimpy nurses' uniforms. Customers, called patients, wear hospital gowns over their clothes. The menu features no diet drinks and high-calorie food called such memorable names as Double Bypass Burger. Fries are cooked in lard.

The restaurant is owned by former nutritionist Jon Basso, who ran a chain of seven Jenny Craig weight-loss centers in Oklahoma.

9. Get A Tattoo, Get Free Burgers For Life

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Like burgers? Live in Australia? Well, you could get free burgers for life from Cafe 51 if you get a burger tattoo. Not just any burger tattoo will work though, you have to go through an application process and if you get approved, then you have to get a life size tattoo of one of their extreme burger creations with their logo. So far only one person has actually gotten their tattoo, but the restaurant has recieved over 3,000 applications, so I guess there are quite a few Australians that are dying for a free burger every day.

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