At least 120K rally at Women's March in Seattle

SEATTLE - Tens of thousands hit the streets in Seattle in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington D.C.

Hundreds wore pink "pussyhats" and held signs proclaiming support not only for women rights but equality, social justice and human rights. Some say they're protesting President Donald Trump's policies, while others want to promote unity or to oppose racism, sexism and hate.

Law enforcement told KOMO News an estimated 120,000 people participated in the march from Judkins Park to Seattle Center. By Saturday afternoon, demonstrators had packed the entire 3.6 mile route.

Nancy Davenport marched on Washington 28 years ago to stand up for women's equality. The 72-year-old was back at it Saturday, this time joining thousands in the other Washington who crammed the streets of Seattle to send a message to President Donald Trump about women's rights and other causes.

"We thought we were done and we're not," said the Port Angeles woman, who carried a sign that read in part: "Don't make us come back in 28 years to do it again." ''You have to keep fighting for what you believe in."

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray also marched, saying the event was about unity and diversity.

This is about being welcome and opening,” Murray said. “That’s Seattle’s message. A very different message than we saw yesterday.”

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee also made an appearance.

Across the Pacific Northwest, women's marches and rallies in cities from Seattle to Spokane, as well as Portland, Oregon, and Boise, Idaho, drew thousands of women and others.
"I'm here today because I'm scared and fearful for what's going to happen for the next four years," said Sara Irish, 52, who lives in Tacoma. She joined a throng of people who showed up at Seattle's Judkins Park, the start of the march. "We need to be united to make a difference and let our government know that we're all united."

Dee Eisenhauer, 57, who lives on Bainbridge Island, said she was fired up and feeling energized, as she crossed Puget Sound on a ferry jammed pack with women and others heading to the march.

"I want to say no to defunding planned parenthood," she said, adding: "And yes to immigrants, yes to love and no to hate."

Some said they were protesting Trump and his policies, while others wanted to promote unity or to fight racism, sexism and hate.

"What I'm seeing here is overwhelming, the solidarity and love," said Amanda Guzman, who pushed her 18-month-old son in a stroller. "All across the world, we're marching him, against his hate."

She said it's so easy to listen to Trump and see only bad, but the thousands who turned out for the march gave her hope. "It's all reassuring that there's still good, and we will fight this."

Christina Chung, 29, a doctoral student at the University of Washington in Seattle, said the current political climate requires that she and others make a stand.

"I'm standing for feminist values. I want to talk about a women's right to self-determination for her own body. Also, the need to have adequate health care," she said, adding that she opposes efforts to defund Planned Parenthood.
Seattle engineer Jon Icasas said he hasn't participated in a march before but is going to so he can learn more and find out how he can help out. He spent last weekend printing posters and will carry one reading: "Women's rights are human rights."

Fathia Absie, a Muslim American writer and filmmaker from Seattle, said she marched to support women's rights as well as all other rights.

"We have to come together. What makes this country beautiful and unique, unlike anywhere else in the world, is that we're so diverse," she said. "Our differences make us beautiful."

Brittany Vieira, 31, lives in Gresham, Oregon, took her 8-month-old son to the march in downtown Portland. It's an opportunity to unite and connect with others, she said.

"This whole election has completely turned my world upside down," she said. "I feel like it's important to use our voices against people who are trying to silence us."

The Portland Fire Bureau said the crowds in Portland numbered more than 70,000, The Oregonian/OregonLive reported.

Leigh Douglass, 45, left the march in downtown Boise feeling inspired and that "this is just the beginning." The mood was welcoming and celebratory, and she said she cried as she listened to stories from powerful speakers.

Douglass said she won't remain silent and plans to speak up when she feels things aren't right.
"I'm marching to be seen and heard," she added.

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Time-stamped updates: More than 100,000 in Women's March on Seattle

Around 50,000 people were expected to attend a Seattle march in solidarity with rallies across the world on Saturday, the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration as president. Authorities say over 100,000 people ended up participating in the march.

Womxn’s March on Seattle organizers told KIRO 7 News their estimates were based on its Facebook page and Eventbrite responses. They expected Seattle to host the third-largest march in the country; there were more than 600 marches internationally.

Time-stamped updates: Women's March on Seattle
Over 100,000 people attended a Seattle march in solidarity with rallies across the world on Saturday, the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration as president.

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