Mulvaney: ‘Climate Change Is a Waste of Your Money’

You couldn’t find a greener guy than Glenn Beck — especially on St. Patrick’s Day. He’s greener than the Jolly Green Giant. And, as a man of faith, he believes in his responsibility to be a good steward of the earth. But man-made climate change? No, thank you. The science just doesn’t support it. That’s why the news delivered by Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, during a White House press briefing was a breath of fresh air.

Regarding the question as to climate change, I think the president was fairly straightforward. We’re not spending money on that anymore. We consider that to be a waste of your money to go out and do that, so this is a specific tie to his . . . to his campaign.

Despite President Obama’s massive effort to make climate change his legacy-driven issue, global warming still ranks near the bottom of American’s top concerns.

GLENN: Let’s start with Mulvaney. Yesterday, are you — have you had your cigarette? Have you rested enough to be able to set this up for us?

STU: Very private question. To be perfectly honest.

GLENN: I’m sorry. I don’t mean to pry.

STU: Mick Mulvaney did an impromptu — just covered yesterday. Kind of with — in the middle of Spicer’s deal. And he’s the director of the budget, OMB.

PAT: Okay. STU: And he’s also a guy who we’ve liked for a really long time. He’s a really good congressman, freedom caucus type of guy, has always been ready. And he was going through the budget and he was saying things that you’ve never heard anyone —

GLENN: Actually say before. Or at least outside of your circle of friends. Now, I just wanted to say this: If you are a new listener of ours, I want you to know where I stand on climate change. I don’t believe in the manmade climate change. I was a guy who used to piss Stu off, or at least gravely concerned because Stu has been on this — on this science route for 20 years. He’s a stats guy. And when Al Gore first came out with his movie, he was — you know, Stu was like, this is crazy. And I said, I want to see it. And Stu, I think you — I bet you lost 10 pounds.

STU: I actually eat more when I’m stressed. So I probably gained 10.

GLENN: I went. And he not, oh, Glenn’s going to buy into this and I’m going to have to kill myself. And I got out of the movie and said Stu, the hockey stick thing is very compelling. I want to look at the math. And we looked at the math, and I’m a guy who’s completely green at my home in — in Idaho. I am more green with my farm and my ranch than I’ll bet you Al Gore could even imagine. I just don’t believe that CO2, because I remember the little thing where — (sighing) and the trees go — (sighing). We all forgot that. So this, if you are — if you’re a global warming person, this may make your head pop. Listen.

MULVANEY: Regarding the question as to climate change, I think the president was fairly straightforward. We’re not spending money on that anymore. We consider that to be a waste of your money to go out and do that, so this is a specific tie to his — to his campaign.

PAT: Oh, my gosh. Tell me that’s not great.

STU: To a room of reporters to say that, because you know, even — very good argument, even if you are an activist, to say, well, the government spending billions, trillions of dollars globally to try to solve this problem is probably not a good expenditure of money. They polled this issue, and it is dead last in priorities for the American people. You know, there’s —

FILE PHOTO: Climate activists Lesley Butler and Rob Bell (R) 'sunbathe' on the edge of a frozen fjord in the Norwegian Arctic town of Longyearbyen April 25, 2007. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir/File Photo 1/2leftright 2/2leftright 1/2

Climate change financing dropped from G20 draft statement

Opposition from the United States, Saudi Arabia and others has forced Germany to drop a reference to financing programs to combat climate change from the draft communique at a G20 finance and central bankers meeting.

A G20 official taking part in the meeting said on Friday that efforts by the German G20 presidency to keep the wording on climate change financing had run into resistance.

"Climate change is out for the time being," said the official, who asked not to be named.

At their last meeting in July 2016 in the Chinese city of Chengdu, the G20 financial leaders said they encouraged all signatories of the Paris Agreement on climate change to bring the deal into force as soon as possible.

But U.S. President Donald Trump, who took office in November, has called global warming a "hoax" concocted by China to hurt U.S. industry and vowed to unpick the Paris climate accord that is supposed to curb rising temperatures.

Under the Chinese G20 presidency, finance ministers last year called on all governments to implement financial commitments made under the Paris deal in a "timely" way and promised to continue working on climate finance in 2017.

Trump's administration on Thursday proposed a 31 percent cut to the Environmental Protection Agency's budget, as the White House seeks to eliminate climate change programs and trim initiatives to protect air and water quality.

Asked about climate change programs, Mick Mulvaney, Trump's budget director, told reporters on Thursday "we consider that to be a waste of (Americans') money."

"I think the president is fairly straightforward. We're not spending money on that," he said.

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