Benefits of Nutmeg for health, beauty, Hair

Candlenut Aleurites moluccana latin name and included in the Euphorbiaceae (source: Wikipedia). Not many people know that nuts are still a relative with cassava. Probably because people rarely ever see the Pecan trees. In Indonesia, the fruit of the nutmeg taken and used as a spice for cooking melezatkan cooking. However, our ancestors also use pecans for other purposes, such as making a nutritious nut oil nourish hair.

More about the benefits of the nuts we discuss after this. Now, let’s search the first content of any substance that is present in the fruit so that it could be useful to humans. In fact the nuts contain several substances that are good for the health of other polyphenols, substances between falvonoida and nutrients, fats and carbohydrate prtein. But the mineral content, Pecans have potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. In addition the nuts contain vitamin A, vitamin B1 and phytosterols. Indeed lots of content from this nut who can help our body.

Here are some benefits of Nutmeg for health, beauty, hair:

1. Treat Thrush
Pecan Kernels was not stoned just useful, even the stem is very beneficial for us. One of them is treat Thrush with SAP from the tree trunk the nuts. Here’s how to get the resin with tearing bark Pecan trees with a sharp knife. Then you can just wait for the resin out. After you collect the resin, use cotton for memoleskan at the oral thrush.

2. Treating Toothache
Still from the SAP of the stem, it turns out that the resin can also be used as a powerful remedy for toothache, do I like the above, by using the cotton we paste resin in dental pain and leave for 10 minutes. Then when you’re done and still feels pain. Replace with a new cotton.

3. Treat diarrhea
After this time turn the SAP, bark Pecan we can sport as a remedy. To treat diarrhea Pecan bark has to be pounded until fine. Then boiled with water until boiling. Then filter the water. Drinking water result of decoction of bark Pecan trees for two times a day.

4. Overcoming the yeast infection
Fungal infections like Panu is actually not too disruptive, but if allowed to then make the sufferer uncomfortable. For that, we need to resolve by way of applying Pecan to the affected body part panu. Do it this way with the routine, if you have trouble finding oil to Pecans you can buy it at the chemist shop nearby.

5. Overcoming difficult Sleeping (Insomnia)
You have insomnia problems? You need to put Pecan into your body. Due to the content of substance melatonin can help you feel relaxed, having relaxed then your body will be delicious made bed. Of course you will feel sleeping soundly without disruption.

6. Hard bowel movements (constipation)
Constipation or constipation often interfere with digestion. For that, we need to treat it with nutmeg seed. Simply mix 1 piece Cinnamon Pecans, seeds, onion, puasari and leaf urang-aring, along with half a teaspoon of salt and fennel. All the ingredients are mashed and then boiled with water until boiling. Drinking water saringanya 2 times a day regularly.

7. Was bitten by Insects
If you have ever experienced being bitten by insects, you need to try to memoleskannya with 2 fruity nutmeg and turmeric. Pangganglah both of these materials, mashed with finely and then DAB at the yan itching and insect be bitten.

8. Bloody CHAPTER of Resolve
To be able to mengobat CHAPTER (bowel movements) are bloody. You need to prepare Pecan bark 20 grams. Then wash clean and boiled with water as much as 400 cc up to a boil. Strain the water and then drink when warm.

9. Liniment
You typically use eucalyptus oil as a liniment? You need to try liniment using Pecans. It feels warmer and certainly has a lot of benefits. Like treating angina and entry also weariness.

10. Drug Fever in children
Children’s health when disturbed, of course we’ll be giddy looking for the right solution for the child. Don’t rush to chemical drugs are given. You need to try a traditional herbal remedy that is naturally rich in benefits and has no side effects. The trick is to boil the 15 grams of puutan root and add a little nutmeg oil drops. Then filter the water, and minumkan in children while still warm.
Benefits of Pecans for hair
The nuts are indeed very beneficial to health, but Pecans also come with other benefits that are not less important. That is for the beauty of the body chiefly is hair care. Since ancient times, our ancestors have been modeled on Pecan fruit seed oil benefits for hair health. Currently there an awful lot of the finished product from the factory-made Pecan. But if you want to make it your own way is very easy. You could use a way to boil the seeds of candlenut or aleurites moluccana seed mengsangrai or frying without the nutmeg seed oil.
Here are a few examples of the benefits of Pecans for beauty hair:
1. Pecan nourish hair
Sure you totally agree about this, because it is a lot of evidence that Pecan oil is great for the fertility of the hair. To take care of your hair with a Pecan, you can put Pecan on the hair at night before bed, then leave it until the morning. Then you can clean it with shampoo.
2. Overcome hair loss
Mineral and protein content in the fruit of the nutmeg can make your hair strong from the roots to the ends of the hair. As a result, your hair will be less than the loss.
3. To grow Hair
If you are experiencing the problem of baldness, you can try to grow the hair with a Pecan. Because of the Pecan is great for preventing baldness and hair can grow in a fast and healthy.
4. Blacken Hair
For those of you who have a problem with keubanan on the hair, you can use the Pecan as a natural and safe remedy for you. Because the nuts can make your hair healthy and shiny black.
5. Eliminate Dandruff
In addition to hair loss masallah, the Pecan Oil is applied on the hair can help you to get rid of dandruff in a long period of time. The trick is just smeared on hair and massage gently. Then your dandruff problems will soon disappear if this is done routinely.
Pecan oil benefits for beauty
Pecan oil is also very good for your beauty. Moreover, the beauty of the skin, pecan has benefits that are not less with olive oil. Then, how do I use it? Check out some of the benefits of pecan oil for beauty:
1. Caring for Skin Beauty
You can use Pecan to tighten skin, make your skin becomes smooth and protected from uv rays and free radicals. That’s because the nuts have antioxidant content which is great for youth our skin.
2. Nourish eyebrows, Eyelashes
Certainly has a healthy and natural eyebrows can add beauty, especially if you have a curved eyelashes picturesque. To be able to fertilize the eyebrows and eyelashes you can use Pecan oil with Aloe Vera as an herb that is effective for the health of eyebrows and eyelashes. This is also a very effective way for men who want to grow a beard and moustache for the sake of adding to its appeal to women. Already impatient want to try? You can buy nutmeg oil in stores because many manufacturers are producing Pecan or you can create your own Pecan. Here’s how to make Pecan oil:
How To Make Pecan Oil
1. Puree the nuts by means of menumbuknya
2. boil the nuts with water until removing the oil
3. Saringlah the oil or you can menyulingnya
4. store the oil in the bottle.
5. your Pecan ready for use

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