Total Recovered From Ovarian Cancer

Some of the properties of plants platycerium is apparently very good for the health of the female reproductive organs, that is to fertilize the womb, as the drug outside the uterus inflammation, and drug irregular menstruation. Well, here is one additional remarkable properties of these plants based share personal experiences of mother Manik Indraprasti. He previously suffered from ovarian cancer and managed to recover completely after trying a herbal treatment using platycerium.

The Story Begin :
I for now it can not be helped with materials, but I got a recipe natural remedies that you can try. This recipe is for a cancer drug. The results of my personal experience which has now fully recovered from ovarian cancer.

If you know:
– Take a leaf sprig platycerium or commonly called platycerium deer (the stalk that big).
– Clean the leaves by way of brushed and washed (no need to use soap).
– Drain to dry completely
– Then cut into small pieces. (The final shape resembling tea leaves in general)
– Take the dried leaves pinch (as we take salt for cooking),
– Then pour a glass of hot water with moderate size (250ml).
– Allow it to cool and then drink.
– One-time decision could be for 2 times drinks.

In my experience, when I ovarian cancer is still considered to be premature, I drank the potion platycerium only 2 times a day, morning and evening. But apparently because of my weak condition, the tumor grows very rapidly until I was sentenced to have surgery.

Lucky I was given the opportunity to wait 2 days for surgery while continuing observed. During the wait I drank the potion as often as possible (more than four cups a day). Two days later while undergoing an ultrasound before surgery, the doctors were baffled, because the results are clean !! Similarly, when the inspection is not found in the slightest bump. Thanks to God Almighty! I ended up not having an operation but I still observed for 4 days in advance, and remain to be taking drugs that stop the production of the hormone estrogen. And until now I no longer feel the pain associated with cancer.

That is all from me, Hopefully, my experience is beneficial for others. For cancer patients may you all be cured.

Manik Indraprasti

Notes :
Ovarian cancer is a cancer that grows in the ovary or ovaries and is a continuation of a malignant tumor in the ovary. Malignant tumor itself is a form of development of cells that are not controlled so that the potential to become cancerous. This cancer can develop very quickly. In fact, from early stage to the advanced stage can occur only within a single year.

In the UK, the British Medical Journal and Target Ovarian Center explains that it takes a month to determine the disease after symptoms appear. Understanding ovarian cancer is very important to be known and can not be separated from the symptoms associated with this disease. There are some common symptoms of ovarian cancer can be easily recognized. The common symptoms need to be known by the women, so do not be late in handling and in order to recover a greater chance. Some common symptoms of ovarian cancer are as follows:
1. Often feel pain in the abdomen
2. Poor feeding or no appetite
3. Often feel satiety
4. Frequent vomiting and defecation
5. The size of the stomach getting bigger
6. Bloating constantly
7. There was vaginal bleeding
8. Weight loss significantly
9. Often feel tired and headache.

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