How To Start Jump A Car


If your battery has died, you may be able to use jumper cables to jump start it from some good Samaritan’s vehicle. If you can safely use jumper cables on your vehicle, make sure that the battery on the good Samaritan’s vehicle has at least as much voltage as your own. As long as you hook up the cables properly, it doesn’t matter whether your vehicle has negative ground and the GS’s vehicle has positive ground, or your vehicle has an alternator and the GS’s vehicle has a generator.

To safely jump a start, follow these steps:

  1. Take out your jumper cables. It’s a good idea to buy a set of jumper cables and keep them in the trunk compartment. If you don’t have jumper cables, you have to find a good Samaritan who not only is willing to assist you but who has jumper cables as well.
  2. Place both vehicles in Park or Neutral and shut off the ignition in both cars. Engage both parking brakes as well.
  3. Attach one of the red clips to the positive terminal of your battery. It has “POS” or “+” on it, or it’s bigger than the negative terminal.
  4. Attach the other red clip to the positive terminal of the other car.
  5. Attach one of the black clips to the negative terminal on the other battery.
  6. Attach the last black clip to an unpainted metal surface on your car that isn’t near the battery. Use one of the metal struts that holds the hood open. The cables should look like this.

7. Start the working vehicle and let the engine run for a few minutes.
8. Try to start your vehicle. If it won’t start, make sure that the cables are properly connected and have the good Samaritan run his or her engine for five minutes. Then try to start your car again. If it still won’t start, your battery may be beyond help.

If the jump works and your car starts, don’t shut off your engine! Drive around for at least 15 minutes to recharge your battery. If the car won’t start the next time you use it, the battery isn’t holding a charge and needs to be replaced.

If your car doesn’t start, check out these tips for troubleshooting a car that won’t start.

How to Jump Start a Car – The Complete Guide

You’re walking out of your apartment and notice a good looking gal with the hood of her car open, looking at the engine with desperation. You go over and ask what’s wrong. The car battery is dead, and she’s late for class. She asks you if you can give her car a jump. You look down at the ground, kick some rocks, and offer to call AAA instead.

You have no clue how to jump start a car.

Every man should know how to jump start a dead car battery. You never know when you’ll need this knowledge to aid a stranded damsel in distress, or help yourself get out of a jam. While jumping a dead battery is super simple, you’d be surprised by the number of men who have no idea how to do it. And even if you have learned how to jump start a car before, it can be easy to forget what cables go where. Positive on negative? Ground the positive cable on the car with the good battery? Red cable is negative?

To help you avoid looking like a putz when asked to jump start a car and to help prevent you from shocking yourself when you do it, this article offers a complete multi-media rundown on how to jump start a dead car battery. But first…

How to Tell If Your Battery Is Dead

Before you try jump starting a car, you need to determine that the battery is the reason the car isn’t starting up. If you turn the ignition and hear the engine cranking, a dead battery isn’t your problem and jump starting it won’t do a darn thing. However, if you turn the key and the car does absolutely nothing, then there’s a good chance you have a dead battery on your hands and jumping it may be your ticket to getting back on the road.

Your 60-Second Illustrated Crib Sheet to Jump Starting a Car

To Jump Start a Car With Cables, Follow These Steps:

1. Make sure both cars are turned off.

2. Connect one end of the red (positive) jumper cable to the positive terminal on the stalled battery.

3. Connect the other red (positive) cable to the positive terminal of the good battery.

4. Connect one end of the black (negative) jumper cable to the negative terminal of the good battery.

5. Connect the other black (negative) cable to a clean, unpainted metal surface under the disabled car’s hood.

6. Start the car that’s doing the jumping; run for 2 to 3 minutes before starting dead car.

7. Remove cables in reverse order.

8. Keep jumped car running for at least 30 minutes to give battery sufficient time to recharge.

Note: You should always carry jumper cables in your car with you (along with a number of other things!). You never know when you’re going to need them.

And you’re done. Give yourself a pat on the back for a manly job well done.

The hardest part of the job is simply remembering where to put each cable. Many a man has broken out in a sweat wondering if he is about to make a wrong move and toast himself to a crisp. Here’s the good news: It’s probably impossible to electrocute yourself from jump starting a car. The battery might give you a big shock, but the voltage is too low to penetrate your skin and put you down for the count.

But no one wants to be on the receiving end of a zap, no matter how mild. So come up with some sort of device to help you remember which color goes where. I personally think: red = blood = life = positive; black = death = negative.

How to Jump Start a Car Without Cables

If you have a standard transmission car, you can jump start that bad boy without using cables. Here’s how you do it:

1. Find a stretch of clear downhill road.

2. Fully depress the clutch and put the car in first gear.

3. Turn the ignition to on.

4. Take your foot off the brake and start rolling down the hill, leaving the clutch fully depressed.

5. Coast down the hill until you reach 5-7 miles per hour.

6. Release the clutch quickly. You should feel the engine turn and start. If it doesn’t start the first time, depress the clutch and release it again.

7. If you don’t have a hill, get some of your buddies to give you a push and follow the steps above.

How to Jump Start a Car Guide

How to Jump Start a Car
One temporary way around a dead battery is to use jump leads or a power pack/generator. Follow the instructions very carefully and check your vehicle handbook before going ahead.

Items you'll need: jump leads, a working car (with a similar engine size as your own), and safety goggles.

(You can also use a power pack/generator instead of jump leads. These are very handy and save you having to borrow a car for the same purpose.)

Before jump starting

  • If your battery is damaged, leaking or corroded, call in a pro and do NOT attempt to jump start. We can also check your battery for you!
  • Keep metal objects away from the battery. If they cause a spark it could be dangerous.
  • Remove loose clothing in case it gets caught in moving parts.
  • Avoid naked flames and never smoke.
  • Make sure headlights and other electronics are off.
  • Remove the key from the ignition.

How to jump start a car using jump leads

  1. Park both cars in neutral next to each other so that they're close but not touching. Open the bonnets; the jump lead should be able to reach both vehicles.
  2. Connect the end of the RED positive lead to the positive terminal on the working battery. Do the same for the other end of the lead for the flat battery.
  3. Connect the BLACK negative lead to the negative terminal on the working battery. Attach the other end to a metal (earthing) point, such as a bolt or bracket, away from the dead battery. Some cars have negative jump-starting poles - check your handbook to see if yours does.
  4. Check the leads are away from moving parts then start the engine of the working car.
  5. After about a minute, try starting the car with the dead battery. If it doesn't work, leave it a little longer, but switch off the engine if the leads get hot.
  6. Once you have your car running, leave the engine on for a couple of minutes to charge the battery.
  7. Remove the jump leads in reverse to the way you attached them. Make sure they don't touch together or any metal surfaces. You should then drive for at least 30 minutes or leave the engine running.
  8. If you can't get the engine to start, unfortunately you have a bigger problem! At Halfords we offer a free check-up, cheap fitting service and a massive range of affordable batteries.

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