8 Unbelievable Shocking Bee and Was Infestations

Shocking Bee and Wasp Infestations

1. 35K Bees Swarm From The Ceiling Of A Brooklyn Home

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It started with a few stray bees buzzing around a Brooklyn bedroom. It ended in a scene straight from a horror movie. Pest control experts who had been called into the Flatbush home to check on a handful of bugs cut into the ceiling and unleashed a swarm 35k strong that was living there. Stuart Mulzac, 26, contacted the professionals after one of the bees that had been buzzing around the home for months stung a neighbor, the Post said.

The professional arrived at the East 21st Street home on July 12 and had to cut a 4-foot hole into the ceiling to get past a massive honeycomb that had formed. As mounds of honey dripped down the walls, the thousands of bees were released. The discovery was captured on video. "I was amazed, just amazed. It was phenomenal," the expert, Mickey Hegedus, 52. "I expected to find half of that — at the most." "It felt like it was the National Geographic Channel," Mulzac told the Post. "It was almost like we were in a movie like 'Attack of the Bees.' I couldn't believe it. "When you see so many, you just feel like they're crawling on you. It's spooky that they could live here all these years and we had no idea — you can't even hear them." It took Hegedus seven hours to suck up the bees with a special vacuum. They will be relocated, the Post said.

2. Winchester woman finds 3ft wasp nest on bed

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A pest controller said he took on "the biggest job of his career" when he was called to deal with a nest of more than 5,000 wasps. John Birkett, of Longwood Services Pest Control, said removing the 3ft (91cm) nest from a bed in Winchester was his most unusual job in 45 years. He said it would have been "extremely dangerous" if the homeowner had tried to remove it herself. "I just stood back in amazement," Mr Birkett said. The nest was discovered by a woman at her house in St Cross, in an unused spare room, where a small window had been left open.

3. Africanized bee swarm kills Texas man

A Texas man died after a swarm of Africanized bees disturbed by his tractor attacked, stinging him more than 1,000 times Saturday. The bees were living inside an old chicken coop that Larry Goodwin, 62, was pushing over to clear off his Moody, Texas, property, neighbor John Puckett told CNN affiliate KCEN-TV.
"He lifted the whole hive and disturbed them all and they just came swarming out of there and trapped him on his tractor," Puckett said. His daughter and neighbors rushed to help, but they said there was nothing they could do to save Goodwin. "When we got to him, he was purple, he had thousands and thousands of bee stings on his face and arms," Tanya Goodwin said.

Puckett said his wife and daughter were stung 100 times. "I came pretty close to losing my family," Puckett said. Allen Miller, whose company Bees Be Gone removed the hive after the attack, said he's seen more Africanized bee hives in the past few weeks than he normally sees in a year. "If anybody has any brush or anything on their lands, please clear it, because they don't want to go through this," Tanya Goodwin said. "Nobody needs to go through this." Africanized honey bees, known colloquially as "killer bees," are believed to have entered Texas in 1990 and have since spread to at least 10 other states, from California to Florida. Africanized honey bees, which are hybrids of African and European bees, can be highly defensive around their nests and swarm more frequently than other honey bees, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The venom carried by honey bees has similar potency.

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4. A council wiped out 1,500 rare Welsh bees thinking they were wasps

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More than 1,500 rare native bees were killed by pest controllers who thought they were wasps. Council pest controllers thought they were responding to a wasp infestation, but ended up wiping out Welsh black honeybees. The authority says it will now investigate why proper procedures weren’t followed. Pest control staff took the decision to exterminate the insects after a resident reported them swarming in a dustbin, the Daily Post reports. A bee keeper who lives less than two miles from where the mistake happened, at Llanfechell, Anglesey, said it was "a disaster". Katie Hayward who runs the award-winning Felin Honeybees, said: “The Welsh Black Bee is, as you can probably tell from the name, native to this country.

“Efforts are underway to try and increase their population so, from a bee keeper’s point of view, its incredibly sad and very frustrating to see so many of them being unnecessarily killed. “On more than one occasion I have spoken to pest control staff at the council and told them I’d be more than willing to help them. “I know they’re very busy and short staffed, but I can’t emphasise enough how much of a disaster it is to see them killed like this.”

5. Scary Mother Nature – Giant Wasp Nest Housing Millions of Stingers Found in Abandoned House

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Just one wasp hovering around is enough to make people go crazy with fear, so i can’t imagine what the people of San Sebastián de La Gomera, in the Canary islands, must have felt like when they discovered a 21-foot wasp nest housing millions of stingers, right next to their homes.

The unusually large hive was discovered by local police officers after they had received numerous calls from concerned members of the community regarding large numbers of wasps swarming around an uninhabited house in San Sebastián de La Gomera. After breaking into the abandoned building they were shocked to discover a giant wasp nest in the hallway that experts say is home to millions of aggressive stingers. Measuring no less than 7 meters in size, the gargantuan structure doesn’t seem to have been built by the common type of wasp found in European gardens, but by an invasive species that must have migrated from Africa. The Canary Islands are located less than 100 kilometers from Morocco by water, so that’s a very likely scenario. Police have been unable to locate the owner of the house, but they’ve sealed off the place for safety reasons, until they determine how to best handle the problem. How about “kill it with fire”?!?

6. Horrifying video shows honey dripping down the walls of a Texas home infested with 50,000 BEES

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Oozing walls, swarms of tens of thousands bees; it all sounds like something from a B horror movie. But for one Texas homeowner, that nightmare was a reality. Latanja Levine returned to her Houston home to find honey pouring down her walls, ruining her carpets, drapes and furniture.

7. A bee infestation has a celebrity connection

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In 2016, Kathy Shampo was faced with a giant bee problem. A colony of 20,000 insects had swarmed underneath her trailer, and some were even making their way up into her kitchen.

She called Fort Pierce, Texas' NewsChannel 5 to tell her story and dozens of people who were watching reached out to help—one of which was a celebrity. Her story so moved actor Tony Danza, he sent a donation to Shampo with a note saying, "I hope this helps. I know I'm just one of the people touched by your situation. Keep punching."

The bees were removed from Shampo's home and were taken to a bee farm in nearby Wellington, where they now produce honey commercially.

8. Man Tries to Blow Up Wasp Nest with Fireworks, Destroys Garage Instead

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On Monday, a man in Michigan went all "scorched earth" on a wasp infestation when he decided to use fireworks to get rid of a nest and accidentally burned his garage to the ground, MLive reports. Mike Tingley reportedly stumbled across the dreaded hive in his garage a few days before the Fourth of July. Apparently, he came to the conclusion that because it was almost Independence Day, well, the most logical and patriotic move was to take out the bees with some fireworks.

"The homeowner was doing something with a smoke bomb trying to get a bees nest out of the garage," local fire chief Bob Burdette later told MLive. Tingley probably assumed the smoke bomb would subdue the wasps, since that's normally what beekeepers use smoke for—though most don't try to smoke bees out inside a room that's filled with other fireworks. The smoke bomb allegedly ignited the rest of the fireworks inside the garage, and soon Tingley and his neighbors were treated to a little early Fourth of July display. Fireworks shot into the sky above the flaming garage as the fire department raced to extinguish the blaze.

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