9 Ironic News Stories

1. Hilariously ironic! Power goes off thrice as Union Minister Piyush Goyal speaks of sector's achievements

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 New Delhi: In an embarrassment of sorts, power went off thrice in a press conference where Union Minister for Power, Coal, New and Renewable Energy was presenting the achievements of his ministry in power sector so far.

As the minister began to speak about the achievements, power went off thrice, leaving him in utter darkness.

Embarrassed Goyal then stated in jest, “I think I mentioned last time that my wife tells me that power should go off once in every program that I hold. So that I can be sure that I have miles to go before I rest and sleep. I don’t know whether now they’ve made it a practice because of her guidance or it is actually gone.”

2. Massive hacking forum gets hacked, members' details leaked online

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 In what must surely be the ultimate definition of irony, one of the world’s largest hacking forums has been hacked and had the private details of over half a million users dumped online.

The Nulled.IO board is used to trade and sell credit card and leaked identity information, hacking tools, cracks, and malware-creation kits. On May 6th, the hacker or hackers responsible for the breach dumped a 1.3 GB compressed archive online which when expanded is a 9.45 GB SQL file containing details of the website’s cybercriminal users and their activities.

According to RiskBased Security, which discovered the breach, the attack was likely possible due to Nulled.IO’s use of the Ip.Board community forum, which has a number of known vulnerabilities.

"Considering this forum promotes the sharing of these activities, it makes this breach quite ironic. Nulled.IO was running the IP.Board community forum commonly known as IP.b or IPb. It appears that the forum was also running an IP.Nexus Setup for its market place as well as VIP forums among a few other IPb plugins," said the company.

"While we do not have confirmation as to how this breach occurred at this point, there have been over 4,500 vulnerabilities to date in 2016, and with 185 total vulnerabilities in IP.Board (92 of them do not have a CVE by the way!) it is not hard to make a guess!"

RiskBased Security said the full dump contains 536,064 user accounts, 800,593 user personal messages, 5,582 purchase records and 12,600 invoices, which could include donation records. There are also payment methods, Paypal emails, usernames, email addresses, hashed passwords, registration dates, registered IP addresses, and details of transactions.

All this information will, of course, likely be of interest to law enforcement officials, especially as it contains so much information about illegal activities.

A particularly interesting discovery made by the RiskBased Security team is that there are 20 .gov email accounts in the leaked database that originate from countries such as the US, Turkey, the Philippines, Brazil, Malaysia, and Jordan. There are also a large number of addresses that end in .edu, which is associated with institutions of higher education.

It’s not known who was responsible for the breach, but the incident shows that no one, not even the hackers themselves, are safe when it comes to these kind of leaks.

3. Pro-gun Florida mom is accidentally shot by her four-year-old son while driving after the boy found her pistol in back seat - just a day after she bragged about his shooting skills
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A high-profile pro-gun activist was shot in the back by her four-year-old son after he found her pistol lying on the back seat of her truck just 24 hours after he boasted about his shooting skills online.

Jamie Gilt, 31, who posts about firearms on her social media accounts was driving through Putnam County, Jacksonville, Florida, on Tuesday in her truck when she was wounded after the toddler picked up the weapon and shot her in the back.
It came just a day after she said the youngster would get 'jacked up' before a shooting practice on a page dedicated to her musings on Second Amendment rights.

On the profile Jamie Gilt for Gun Sense she wrote: 'Even my 4 year old gets jacked up to target shoot with the .22'.
She reportedly believes she has the right to shoot anyone who threatens her family - and plans to teach her offspring the same mentality.

According to CBS47, Gilt was on her way to pick up a horse when the shooting unfolded.

Before being transported to the emergency room, the victim told deputies that her son had accidentally shot her.

'The investigation by Major Crimes Unit Detectives and the analysis of the crime scene confirmed that the victim was accidentally shot by the young boy who was sitting in the back seat of the vehicle.

'The young man was reunited with other family members and Putnam County Sheriff’s Office Victim Services Specialists continue to work with the family.

'The Florida Department of Children and Family Services are being notified and the investigation into how the child came to be in possession of the handgun is ongoing.'

According the Florida Times Union, the responding deputy noticed the boy was not strapped to the booster seat in the car when he arrived at the scene.

Wells said: 'We’re satisfied that this is not a criminal shooting.'

However Gilt may face criminal charges if the State Attorney's Office determine there was negligence on how the child obtained the firearm.

4. Woman Hits Moose With Car After Sister Hits Moose With Car

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The moose of Canada are stalking and haunting Connie Evirett and Yvonne Studley, two car-driving sisters from British Columbia. Last month Studley, 49, had a car accident involving one of the beasts; the melee left her in a coma, and the moose in a moose coffin. Then, while on the way to the hospital to visit her younger sister, 51-year-old Evirett had a moose/car accident of her own.

Everitt told a reporter: "My first thought was, 'Are the moose going out [on a] hunting season for my family?'" Seems the answer to that question is pretty clear.

Update: Looks like the women's accidents happened in 2010, but some media outlets are reporting on them as though they have just happened. It's possible that Studley and Evirett were involved in a second round of moose-related car accidents that occurred one month apart. Or that they're trapped in a Groundhog Day-like time loop.

5. In ‘Freak Accident,’ 86-Year-Old Pennsylvania Woman Strangled to Death by Medical Alert Necklace

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 An 86-year-old woman is dead after she fell and was strangled to death by her medical alert necklace, according to KTLA sister station WPMT in York, Pennsylvania.

Roseann DiFrancesco of New Cumberland was found dead on Feb. 15, according to Cumberland County Coroner Charles Hall. A visiting nurse entered the home after knocking and getting no response.

Hall says DiFrancesco was using her walker when she lost her balance and fell. The woman’s medical alert necklace got caught on the handle of the walker, strangling her to death.

The coroner called the death a “freak accident,” PennLive.com reported.

Hall says DiFrancesco’s necklace did not have a breakaway clasp.

Her death has been ruled accidental.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning about such medical alert devices in 2009, according to PennLive.

Personal emergency response buttons worn around the neck can pose a choking hazard if they do not break away, the FDA said. Patients should check with their doctors about which kind of device to use, including the possibility of one worn on the wrist, the agency said.

The FDA said six serious injuries or deaths had been attributed to the Philips Lifeline Personal Help Button between 1998 and 2009.

“While the number of adverse events reported is small compared to the number of people who use this device, the severity of these events is of concern,” the FDA stated. “It remains important that users, along with their health care providers, assess the options provided by each style of button, and choose the option that best fits their condition.”

6. SEE IT: Three monks get involved in brawl in front of Chinese temple 

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 So much for inner peace.

Three monks inside the Ningguo temple in China could not hold in their anger and a brawl broke out.

The trio of fight participants — who were all mid-level managers — were dismissed by the temple.

“We insist on (following) the principle of quality over quantity,” the head of the Ningguo temple said over Wechat, a Chinese social media platform.

CCTV News reported that the head monk also said the three involved broke the principle of Buddhism.

The video shows the monks fighting in front of the temple while fellow monks and tourists try to stop the fight.

Commenters on CCTV’s Facebook page questioned why the monks were not using Kung-Fu to defend themselves. While others were more serious and said the actions were disrespectful to Buddha.

One commenter said, “You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.

Another was quick to point out that many monks are not sincere Buddhism converts.

“Many normal people are more religious than monks,” another commenter said. “Some monks have proven to be frauds, and cases have continually occurred in China, leaving an even worse impression of the monk to the wider public.”

7. ‘Legal Rape’ Advocates Cancel Pro-Men Meet-Ups For Fear Of Their Safety

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 A pro-men international meet-up was canceled yesterday due to the organizer’s fear that he could not fully protect attendees.

The event was set to take place this Saturday, Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. local time in multiple locations around the world. Organized by Daryush Valizadeh, so-called “pick-up artist“ and founder of the anti-feminist website Return Of Kings, there were supposed to be 165 meet-ups in 43 countries.

Daryush Valizadeh, also known as Roosh Valizadeh, Roosh V and Roosh Vörek, is an American blogger who owns Return Of Kings, a popular website in Men’s Rights Activist circles. He’s known for his books and essays about the “neomasculinity” movement, which advocates for traditional gender roles and is overtly anti-feminist. In 2015, Valizadeh wrote a post on Return Of Kings suggesting that rape should be legal on private property so that victims could use it as a “learning experience.” (Valizadeh has since called the post “satire.”)

“I propose that we make the violent taking of a woman not punishable by law when done off public grounds,” Valizadeh wrote. “Consent is now achieved when she passes underneath the room’s door frame, because she knows that that man can legally do anything he wants to her when it comes to sex.” (Head to Raw Story to read more about this specific piece.)

In his most recent posts, Valizadeh wrote that the now-canceled covert meetings were not meant for men to come together to rape women, but to gather like-minded individuals to discuss common interests. According to the post, only “heterosexual, masculine men” were welcome to attend the meet-ups — women and queer people of any gender identification were not invited.

8. West Virginia lawmakers pass bill allowing people to drink raw milk, then get sick after drinking some during celebration

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 State lawmakers passed a bill allowing people to drink raw milk — then became sick after consuming some.

Legislators and Capitol staffers in Charleston drank the raw milk to celebrate a law that loosened restrictions on the product. State health officials are looking into whether the milk was to blame for people getting sick and are weighing allegations the raw-milk party broke the law.

Delegate Scott Cadle, who stayed home sick on Monday, said the culprit is actually an unrelated stomach virus circulating the Capitol. Symptoms include fever, vomiting and diarrhea.

"There’s nobody up there that got sick off that milk," Cadle told the Charleston Gazette-Mail. "It’s just bad timing, I guess."

Delegate Pat McGeehan told WSAZ that he drank some of the milk, and conducted the interview while he was lying down and in some discomfort.

Cadle "caught me in the hallway, offered a cup to me, and you want to try to be a gentleman," the ailing McGeehan told the station. "I had a small sip and walked away and tossed the rest of it."

McGeehan added that "I highly doubt raw milk had anything to do with it, in my case."

Some who became ill, including House Speaker Tim Armstead, did not drink the milk, according to House spokesman Jared Hunt.

“With that many people around and that close quarters and in that air and environment, I just call it a big germ," Cadle told the Gazette-Mail. "All that Capitol is a big germ."

Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin signed a bill on Thursday allowing people to share milk-producing animals and drink raw milk if they sign a document admitting the health risks, and if the animals have passed health tests within the last year. The law goes into effect in May.

Tomblin, a Democrat, vetoed a similar bill last year, claiming raw milk contains bacteria harmful to children, pregnant women and people with weak immune systems.

Asked Wednesday why he changed his mind, Gov. Tomblin said, "I think the one this year gave a little bit more oversight to our state Department of Health and Human Resources."

"I still have concerns," Tomblin added. "When you listen to the health experts, there are people who do become ill sometimes because of tainted raw milk that has not been pasteurized. I would just caution anybody that you should know the source of your milk, that it's safe and clean before you drink it."

Dangerous bacteria that can live in raw milk include Campylobacter, Listeria, Salmonella and E. Coli.

"A lot of people haven’t tasted raw milk ... and they find out it's got a little better flavor than store-bought milk," Cadle told the Gazette-Mail. "Most of them people just tasted it. That’s all they did."

It's not clear how many people got sick, or whether any of them were examined by doctors.

"It's important to note that a lot of the information out there is alleged," State Health official Dr. Rahul Gupta said. "It's important to conduct an investigation to figure out exactly the facts."

Cadle, who said he drinks raw milk "all the time" without getting sick, would not say where he got the milk for the party.

"I might have been breaking the law," Cadle told the Gazette-Mail. "Hell, I don't know. I gave it away."

9. After A Man’s Post About Caitlyn Jenner Went Viral He Learned A Valuable Lesson In Irony

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In 2015, when Vanity Fair
unveiled its Caitlyn Jenner cover, the reaction to it was mostly supportive, but some people disagreed with calling her brave.

Enter Terry Coffey of Salem, Oregon, who took issue with Jenner being called brave and posted the photo above showing “real American bravery.” His post went viral.

Coffey didn't know the photo was not a from a real war battle, but from a documentary called Marwencol, which is about a man named Mark Hogancamp. Hogancamp was severely beaten by five men outside of a bar in 2000 for being a cross-dresser. He was in a coma for nine days and suffered brain damage and memory loss. He started making World War II tableaus in his backyard to help stimulate his mind. Coffey updated his status the following day:

The photo that accompanied my words yesterday to highlight "true bravery," was chosen from a quick image search. Just wanted something to fit my words. This afternoon, I wanted to find out who the photographer was so that I could credit his work.

In an ironic twist, I have discovered that the photo is part of a documentary created by a man who was beaten nearly to death outside of a bar in 2000.

After spending 9 days in a coma, suffering severe brain damage and being unable to walk or talk for a year, he chose to deal with the pain of the tragic event, by creating an imaginary world of characters and photos and stories, all set in WWII. His work is the subject of an upcoming documentary.

Why was he nearly beaten to death by 5 strangers?

Because he was a cross-dresser.

I could have chosen any one of hundreds of photos depicting bravery, but I chose this one. Do I think it was an accident?

No, I don't.

What happened to this man was cruel, wrong, and unforgivable.

Hate helps nothing
Love wounds no one
and God heals all.(and irony makes you think)

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