What Is Tinea Cruris?

Tinea Cruris or commonly referred to as jock itch is fungal infection that infects the skin in the inner thighs, around the genitals, and buttocks. This disease results in the appearance of a red rash that usually circular and itchy. Tinea cruris commonly affects people who sweat a lot, like athletes , but also suffered by people with diabetes and obesity. This disease is not a serious disease, but often cause itching that interfere with daily activities and cause discomfort.

Treatment of tinea cruris is actually very easy, that is enough by applying ointments or antifungal drugs and maintain the groin to stay in a dry and clean condition. This disease can be transmitted to other people, so in addition to maintaining cleanliness, it is important not to share clothes or towels with others.

Symptoms of Tinea Cruris
Tinea cruris has symptoms beginning with a semi-circular red skin that spreads from the groin to the upper thighs. The groin will feel a little itchy in the early stages of infection, but if not treated immediately, the condition will worsen and cause intolerable itching.

Small blisters can appear on the edge of the lesion, which often causes itching and burning sensations. In addition, the infected skin may become scaly or flaky.

Causes of Tinea Cruris
Tinea cruris is caused by a fungus that can spread from the use of contaminated towels or clothing or through direct contact with the patient. In addition, tinea cruris is also often caused by a fungus that causes tinea pedis or water fleas, because the infection can spread from the leg to the groin.

The easiest mushrooms grow on warm, moist bodies, such as the inner thighs, buttocks, and groin, and in the damp environment between the dirty towels, the wet floor, and the sweat-filled clothing.

There are several risk factors that can increase the incidence of tinea cruris, namely:
  • A lot of sweating.
  • Other skin diseases.
  • Being overweight or obese.
  • Have a weakened immune system, such as people suffering from diabetes mellitus, users of corticosteroid drugs, or patients undergoing cancer treatment.
  • Male sex, although women may also be infected.
  • Wearing tight panties
  • Using locker rooms and common bathrooms.
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Diagnosis of Tinea Cruris
To establish a diagnosis of tinea cruris, your doctor will ask you a few things about the history of the disease and the symptoms you are experiencing. After that, your doctor will see the pattern and shape of the rash on your body.

In some cases, your doctor may take samples of infected areas or peeling skin and examine them under a microscope.

Treatment of Tinea Cruris
You can overcome tinea cruris with over-the-counter medicines, such as talcum powder, ointment, spray medication, or anti-fungal lotion, so the rash can disappear immediately. However, to prevent tinea cruris from reappearing, continue to do twice daily treatment for at least ten days.

If treatment is done with free medication can not handle it or tinea cruris suffered is severe, see your doctor immediately for further examination and get prescription drugs. Prescription drugs include stronger anti-fungal ointment or creams, or even you can take anti-fungal pills for consumption.

Although rare complications, but the infection can also spread to the genital, skin infections such as cellulitis, pus, inflammation until hyperpigmentation.

Prevention of Tinea Cruris
There are several things that can be done to reduce the risk of contracting tinea cruris as follows.

  • When the weather is hot and humid, do not wear thick or tight clothing for long periods of time.
  • Immediately overcome other skin diseases, such as tinea pedis infection or water flea, so as not to spread to the groin.
  • After exercising or bathing, dry the inner thighs and genitals with a clean towel. In addition to preventing excessive damp conditions, sprinkle powder around the groin.
  • Do not share personal equipment, such as towels or clothes.
  • Wash clothes used after exercise and always wear clean clothes.
  • Change underwear that is used at least once a day or if you sweat more, you should more often change panties.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing, especially panties, and sports uniforms to keep skin from rubbing and scuffing. Blisters can cause more susceptible to tinea cruris.
  • It is advisable to wear more boxer shorts than tight underwear.

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