What Is Blighted Ovum?

Blighted Ovum ( anembryonic gestation ) or anembrionic pregnancy is pregnancy that does not contain embryos despite the occurence of fertilization in the womb. This condition is one common cause of miscarriage in the first three months of pregnancy. Blighted ovum usually occurs due to chromosomal abnormalities in the developing fetus. The body of the mother will stop pregnancy when aware of the disorder. Chromosomal abnormalities alone can be caused by imperfect cell division and poor egg and sperm quality.

Blighted Ovum Symptoms
A person experiencing blighted ovum in the early stages will generally feel that he was having a normal pregnancy. This is because blighted ovum has the same signs as a normal pregnancy, such as late menstruation, positive pregnancy test results, nausea, vomiting, and breast pain.

In a certain time, the patient will begin to feel the signs of miscarriage, such as spots or bleeding from the vagina, the volume of menstrual blood is more than usual, cramps in the abdominal area. Sometimes, pregnancy test results are still positive in this condition due to high levels of hCG hormone. Call your doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms to get the correct diagnosis and treatment.

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Blighted Ovum Diagnosis
The doctor will perform a pregnancy ultrasound to make sure the pregnancy bag that has formed contains the embryo or not. Hormone levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), hormones that increase during pregnancy, also remain elevated. This hormone is produced by the placenta and its level can continue to grow for some time, although the embryo does not develop.

Blighted Ovum Treatment
One of the handling procedures performed after a person is diagnosed with blighted ovum is by opening the cervix and lifting an empty pregnancy bag from the uterus. This procedure is called dilation and curettage ( curettage ). In addition to curettage procedures, medicines can be used as an option. Both curettes and medications have the same side effects, namely abdominal cramps. However, the rate of bleeding that occurs is more severe in patients who use drugs than curettage. In addition to these two ways, the patient can choose to let the content fall naturally. Usually this process will happen by itself in a matter of weeks.

If you want to know the exact cause of the miscarriage , curettage is the right choice because the tissue removed can be checked in the laboratory. Patients who experience blighted ovum may still get pregnant well in later pregnancies. If you have recurrent miscarriages, discuss them with your partner and obstetrician, to find the cause.

Blighted Ovum Prevention
Blighted ovum usually occurs only once. Unfortunately in most cases, this condition can not be prevented. Most women who have experienced blighted ovum , may remain pregnant well in later pregnancies. It is recommended to wait 1-3 normal menstrual cycles to plan for a pregnancy again. You and your partner can perform a genetic test in case of repeated miscarriage.

Avoid smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy. Mutual maintenance of your health and your partner is also one form of prevention in general that can be done together. Plan and go through the pregnancy process together, and give each other support.

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