What Is Varicocele?

Varicocele is a swelling of the veins inside the scrotum or scrotum. This disease is similar to swelling of varicose veins in the legs, but the difference is that varikocele disease causes swelling of the veins in the scrotum or scrotum.

This swelling will develop gradually into a soft lump over the testicles and often on the left side of the scrotum. The size of varicocele lumps vary, there can be seen by naked eye and there is also a new can be known after touched.

Varicocele Symptoms
Varicocele generally does not cause symptoms. Even so, some sufferers there who feel discomfort or even pain in the pocket of his zakarnya. Symptoms of this pain usually increase when the patient stands or do physical activity for too long, and subsided when the patient lying down.

In addition to pain, enlargement of the veins can also increase over time. This swelling mostly occurs on the left side of the scrotum and rarely occurs on the right side of the bag. This is because the vein route on the left side is different from the veins on the right side.

See a doctor if you notice any swelling and lumps in your scrotum or scrotum, feeling pain in that section, and be aware of the difference in size between the right and left testes. If symptoms are left untreated and untreated, it is feared that the varicocele has the potential to cause complications such as:
  • Testicular shrinkage
    Damaged vein valves can cause blood to collect and increase pressure inside the blood vessels. Pressure and toxins contained in venous blood is what is thought to damage and shrink the testes.
  • Infertility
    This disease has the potential to cause infertility in a small percentage of cases because the disease can decrease the quality and quantity of sperm in men who suffer from it.

    Continuous temperatures are too high around the testicles due to varicocele risking an impact to the formation, quantity, movement, and quality of sperm.
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Causes of Varicocele
Varicocele is generally benign, noncancerous, and is a common condition during puberty, ie, at the age of 15-25 years. The exact cause of varicocele can not be known, but is believed to arise due to abnormalities in the veins that cause the buildup of blood and cause swelling of the scrotum.

Inside the veins there are vascular valves that serve as one-way doors. When the blood will flow into the heart, the valve opens so that blood can flow smoothly into the organ. Similarly, vice versa, the valve will close if the blood flow is slow to prevent the occurrence of backflow due to gravity.

If the valve is not functioning properly, then the blood will flow back and settle inside the veins which over time can cause swelling.

Diagnosis Varicocele
Depending on the magnitude of the swelling, the diagnosis of varicocele can be done directly through a regular physical examination or through a test. Examination of the testicles is done to determine the size, position of a lump or swelling, whether the lump feels painful to the touch, and whether the lump feels hard or soft.

If the swelling is large enough, the doctor may easily feel soft lumps on the testes. If the swelling is smaller, the doctor may use a special technique by having the patient stand up, take a deep breath, then hold it. Through this technique, the veins get bigger and the doctor may feel swelling.

If through a physical examination can not be ascertained, it will be a medical test. One of them is ultrasound or ultrasound. In the case of a varicocele, an ultrasound is performed to produce a detailed image or structure in the scrotum. Through this test, any thing suspected to be associated with varicocele symptoms can be known, including other conditions, such as tumors or testicular cancer.

Another possible test is a urine test to ascertain whether a lump is caused by an infection or not.

Varicocele Treatment
Most cases of varicocele do not cause symptoms. Although there are symptoms, usually will not be prolonged or cause other disorders. Therefore, treatment is usually not necessary.

However, if varicocele has caused discomfort, pain, testicular shrinkage, or impaired fertility, then a handling action should be done immediately. This handling action can be started by taking paracetamol as a pain reliever or using a special underwear. If this does not help, consult with a specialist urologist for possible surgical procedures.

The following are common types of surgery to treat varicoceles:
  • Embolization
    Embolization is done by inserting a micro-sized tube with an X-ray device to the veins to look for damaged or swollen parts. Once the varicocele is found and visible on the monitor, the liquid or special tool in the form of a roll will be channeled into the damaged vessels through the hose. This special screw-shaped liquid or tool helps prevent blood from entering the damaged veins and flowing through healthy veins.

    Side effects after undergoing embolization may be swelling or bruising for several days at the point of insertion of the tube and a small risk of infection. Swelling can be treated with ice packs and the infection can usually be treated with antibiotics. Even so, those who have undergone this procedure still potentially re-exposed to varicocele in the future.
  • Open operation.

    In this procedure, damaged veins are repaired or removed surgically at the bottom of the groin or stomach. Patients undergoing open surgery should be completely sedated. Side effects after having open surgery are mild pain lasting for several days to weeks. But patients need not worry because the pain can be overcome with pain medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

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