Trump gets trolled for tweeting about the ‘Easy D’

President Trump sent out a tweet Wednesday cryptically warning that undesirables are entering the country.

But he was quickly mocked on social media for saying the federal appeals court considering his travel ban has an “EASY D!” — which the Urban Dictionary defines as promiscuous women.

“Big increase in traffic into our country from certain areas, while our people are far more vulnerable, as we wait for what should be EASY D!” Trump wrote at 12:41 p.m.

The president apparently meant to say the court faced an easy decision — but Twitter exploded over the faux pas.

“When that Easy D comes, Trump may find that it’s too big for him to swallow. #EasyD,” tweeted TheFakeErikCartman.

“I don’t think you know what ‘easy d’ means…. #urbandictionary #ormaybeyoudo,” added Jebnny Dibble.

“Hey, Dum-Dum. Ask a grownup to show you what ‘EASY D’ means at the urban dictionary websites. #ClownPresident,” wrote liberal motormouth Keith Olberman. “Just think: somewhere right now, two White House staffers are discussing how to tell the President of the United States what ‘Easy D’ means,” tweeted David Mack.

Others guessed differently.

“’EASY D’ was Trump’s selection criterion for the classes he took at Wharton,” wrote a poster called Resist Facism.

“The shift in baseball creates too much EASY D! We must abolish it! If the sad Cardinals do it, it deserves to be GONE!” wrote PirateTrump.

“Dear press: Please ask Sean Spicer what Trump was referring to when he said ‘Easy D’. Because I would love to watch him explain,” added Amy.

“Easy D is Frederick Douglass’ nickname for Donald Trump. They are very good friends,” tweeted Martha O’Hara.

But some supporters thought Trump should embrace EASY D as a new moniker.

”Trump just trolled the trolls by using phrase ‘Easy D.’ They dont even realize they got played & gave him badass nickname #EasyD,” wrote Trump the Hill, described as “Hispanic Team of America First Nationalists.”

The post included a doctored photo of Trump in shades, wearing a gold crown and smoking a blunt with the logo “Thug Life.”

Trump earlier had slammed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals court as “disgraceful” and “so political.”

Speaking to a group of police chiefs and sheriffs, the president praised his executive order enacting a ban on refugees and immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries.

“It was written beautifully,” Trump said, asserting that even “a bad high school student would understand this.”

“Courts seem to be so political and it would be so great for our justice system if they would be able to read a statement and do what’s right,” he added. “And that has to do with the security of our country, which is so important.”

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Easy D? Trump's bizarre tweet is anything but simple to decode

Much of America and the world awaits each of Donald Trump’s tweets with increasing anxiety, as he uses them to systematically undermine the separation of powers, attack companies he believes have damaged his family’s interests, and decree that any bad news about him is a lie (and that’s just in the past two days). Perhaps then, some on Twitter could be forgiven for taking a bit of time out on Wednesday to point and laugh at one of the more bizarre pronouncements to come from the White House pulpit since Trump took office.

Trump may have been referring to what he thinks should be an “easy D-cision” by the court currently deciding whether to keep in place a halt to his hugely controversial travel ban, which many view as xenophobic and unconstitutional. “It’s really incredible to me that we have a court case that’s going on so long,” Trump told a police conference in Washington earlier on Wednesday. “They’re interpreting things differently than probably 100% of the people in this room.”

Then again, many of his Twitter followers speculated that he may have been referring to something else.

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