Happy Easter, Interior Department! You get to leave 59 minutes early

Interior Department employees, rejoice: Your Easter weekend will start 59 minutes early.

A memo sent out to employees on Friday said they would get to leave early, as authorized by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

"The Secretary would like to express his deep appreciation to each member of the DOI team for his or her dedication, hard work and commitment," the memo reads.

An Interior spokesman said this is far from the first time federal employees were allowed to leave early before a holiday.

Why such a specific number? It's known as the 59-minute rule. It's not actually a rule, the Federal Times once noted, but rather a custom that supervisors and managers mind when they let their employees have a bit of time off prior to a major holiday (though not necessarily a federal holiday). You'll find mention of it in a numberofgovernmentdocuments.

So, 59 minutes it is.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke speaks during a candlelight vigil at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial April 4, 2017 in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Alex Wong, Getty Images)

Happy Easter: A reason for hope

Mary and I are in Georgia working with the Conservative Campaign Committee, helping to defeat the Democrats' hyper-liberal 8-million-dollar man, Jon Ossoff, who is running for the GOP congressional seat.

Our CCC team did a sign wave session on Good Friday on a street corner near where a mega-church was hosting an Easter celebration event.  Traffic was backed up big-time.

I was extremely impressed and encouraged by the large number of cars filled with families headed to the Easter event.  Many of them honked their horns in support, waved, gave us thumps up, and cheered us on.  Clearly, they were politically well informed and probably mostly Republicans.  We need a huge Republican turnout to stop Ossoff from getting 50% of the vote April 18.

Only one jeep with about five youths drove by touting Ossoff.  Then they turned their radio up obnoxiously loud, playing hip-hop music with vulgar lyrics such as M-F this and M-F that.  The youths' rude, crude, and not-caring-about-anyone-else-but-themselves behavior is what you typically see in leftists.  They had no respect for those carloads of Christian families surrounding them, cranking up their vulgar music in defiance.  It was not surprising which candidate they chose to support: young Bernie Sanders clone Jon Ossoff.

Leftists are relentless in their efforts to dispirit everyday Americans.  They try to convince us that they have successfully crushed every godly principle and value we hold dear.  Seeing the seemingly endless caravan of cars heading to celebrate our risen savior was truly inspiring – a breath of fresh air.

Remember Art Linkletter's TV show, Kids Say The Darndest Things?  A CCC team member said when her adult daughter was little, she was asked in church, "What is Good Friday?"  Her daughter said, "It was the day Jesus was fried."  Cute.

Happy Easter, folks.  Celebrate our savior on Sunday, and Georgia Republicans, please vote on Tuesday.

Happy Easter 2017! What is the meaning behind Easter Sunday and why do we celebrate with chocolate eggs?

It is the time of year when chocolate eggs and bunnies are beginning to fill supermarket shelves and many people's thoughts are turning to the religious story that started off Easter .

For many, the first bank holiday weekend of the year - with four straight days off work - will have a particular appeal.

But Easter is that most confusing of dates - one that is never fixed and changes according to the lunar calendar.

Perhaps you're planning a break with the family or a weekend visiting friends. Or maybe you're just looking forward to spending a long weekend relaxing at home.

Or maybe you are wondering what the religious origin of Easter actually is and what happened during Holy Week - Good Friday to Easter - to warrant us all marking it.

Whatever your plans or questions, you can get organised - and maybe learn a bit about Easter too - by reading our guide.

What are the key dates for Easter 2017?

Palm Sunday : April 9

Maundy Thursday: April 13

Good Friday April 14

Holy Saturday: April 15

Easter Sunday: April 16

Easter Monday: April 17

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