Cassava, Cures For Cancer?

Sometimes something we eye view turned out to be so reversed that it has a value that can not be underestimated. Often many people are deceived by appearances and despise something when he actually has such a high value benefit. That is what in fact happened with cassava or manioc or also called cassava (Manihot utilissima), tubers of plants known as a staple food source of carbohydrates. Who would have thought that in ancient times the cassava is a staple food that is loved by our ancestors, but at this time only considered a rabble village, it has a property and a tremendous benefit to health.

Cassava for health benefits really unexpected until no exaggeration if it is called magic. Most recently known that cassava it can become an alternative medicine that can destroy cancer cells. How not called magic, cassava which we appreciated eye view and cheap it can be a powerful alternative medicine to cure cancer.

Apparently this is the secret why our ancient people rarely affected by cancer!

The following is a testimonial of the benefits of cassava from Dr. Cynthia Jayasuriya who shared her experience recovering from cancer that he suffered due to therapy by eating cassava, whose experience is then shared by one of the facebook users.

By: Dr. Cynthia Jayasuriya

This is my own experience, cured of cancer with cassava. Hopefully, this experience useful for many people.

My bladder cancer stage 2, after seven years of cancer in the urethra. Kidney, urethra and part of the bladder is removed. After that I underwent radiation at the abdomen.

I feel healthy as long as seven years. I underwent a routine checkup every year. In the seventh, there was blood in my urine which was caused by the growth of cancer cells in the bladder. The new cancer even then lifted again. But what if the cancer was growing again?

From the internet I found information on the use of apricot seeds for cancer treatment in Australia and America without chemotherapy.

A doctor from England duty at a remote place in Afghanishtan found levels of vitamin B17 in apricot seeds. In Afghanishtan, a person’s wealth measured by the number of apricot trees owned. They not only eat apricots, but also seeds. Apricot seeds have shape and bitter almond. People from this region no cancer. After investigation, apricot seeds contain vitamin B17.

At the time of being treated for cancer, I wanted to know what kind of our regular diet containing vitamin B17. Turns vitamin B17 present in cassava. So I ate cassava least 10 grams three times a day.
Once consumed for 1 month, my bladder examination conducted by doker who handle my cancer. He was surprised because my bladder was really clean and normal.

During the cassava meal, I felt very fit and others to see me very healthy.

After that I check every three months and the results are kept clean. Since that time I only eat cassava and no other treatment.

Simply put, how cassava is as follows:
The scientific name of vitamin B17 is Amygdaline. Cancer cells are immature cells and have a different enzyme with normal enzyme. When vitamin B17 combined with normal cell enzyme, the B17 will break down into three types of sugar. But when joined with the enzymes of cancer cells, B17 breaks down into 1 sugar,  1 benzaldehyde and 1 hydrocyanic acid. Hydrocyanic acid is what kills cancer cells locally.

Apricot seeds and cassava both contain vitamin B17.

After I wrote a previous article in 2010, I received some information from cancer patients who also consume cassava.

Mr. Pereira, 70-year-old man, diagnosed with prostate cancer. His wife, a retired hospital happened to read my article. They do not have funds to pay for cancer treatment and injections were given to make Mr. Pereira very weak. His wife gave cassava to Mr. Pereira.

After consuming cassava during the week, his condition began to improve. And after a month of eating cassava every morning, he underwent examination. Since the diagnosis of cancer, his PSA test results 280 – 290. But after a month of his PSA became 5.89!

They visit me to show the test results before and after eating cassava. Mr. Pereira is no longer feel the symptoms of cancer.

There is another man who suffered from liver cancer and had to undergo surgery. But from the next MRI scan, there are still cancer cells that have not been raised. He began to eat cassava after surgery. A month after eating cassava, doctors say surgery is not necessary anymore because of the MRI scan, the cancer cells are not enlarged.
So why not try cassava?
Cassava is cheap, easy to obtain, easy to cook and very tasty.
It is very easy:
1. Choose fresh cassava, which no blue stain.
2. Boil and do not cover the pan during cooking. This will help evaporate the excess hydrocyanic acid.
3. Do not consume foods containing ginger least 8 hours after consume cassava.

So share an exceptional experience of the benefits of cassava as an alternative medicine for cancer. Amazing is not it? After reading this article I guarantee you will not underestimate or underestimated again called cassava meal. Perhaps it is time we begin to cultivate back also eat cassava as an alternative staple food in addition to rice, as our ancestors first ordinary rarely eat them until we find the ancient times of our parents are affected by cancer.

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