10 Incredible Weird Fan Calculations

Incredibly Weird Fan Calculations

1. How Much Coffee The Friends Drank

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Kit Lovelace doesn't consider him a super fan of the '90s TV show Friends, but he was annoyed that no one calculated how much coffee they each drank during the series run. So, he sat down and watched all 236 episodes with pen in hand. Not only did he figure out who drank the most (Phoebe, 227 cups) but he calculated the total amount spent ($2,077.20, which includes 20% tip).

2. How Much Money Joey Owes Chandler

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It seems as if Friends really brings out the nerds with calculators. One bored Redditor asked someone to figure out how much Joey owes his roommate Chandler, from whom he is constantly borrowing. ASmileThatKills rose to the challenge; factoring everything mentioned in the episodes. With headshots, rent, food, utilities, and even Joey's hernia operation included, he came to a grand total of $119,760.

3. How Many Humans Are Alive in The Walking Dead

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The zombie apocalypse portrayed in The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead has killed scores of humans. But exactly how many are still alive? The show itself provides no specific number, but that didn't stop fan Matt Lieberman from taking information from the TV shows and comic books to create an interesting YouTube video where he explains how he got the total. [Spoiler Alert: It's 382,885]

4. How Rich is Harry Potter

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Boy wizard Harry Potter is loaded, and fan Redditor NeokratosRed posted what he calculates is the exact amount of his wealth. He figured it out by taking a few screen grabs of Vault 687 shown in the first movie and, using a complex series of measurements and mathematical equations, came up with a minimum of 50,625 Galleons. From there he calculated their worth at $1,265,625, or £870,922.

5. You only live 4,662 times (if you're James Bond): eagle-eyed fan calculates how many times 007 has been shot

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James Bond has entered into mortal combat with some of the world’s most dangerous criminals on countless occasions – yet always beats the odds and walks away with his life.

Now one eagle-eyed fan has calculated the exact probability of 007 dodging death so many times – and come to the conclusion he should have died years ago.

Gordon Stanger worked out that the spy had been shot at a staggering 4,662 times since the first film, Dr No, in 1962.He then estimated there was a 5 per cent chance of the spy being fatally wounded on each occasion. Expressed mathematically, this means the chance of Bond not getting killed is 1.4 x 10 to the power of minus 104, or in Mr Stanger’s words, ‘as close to zero as makes no difference’.

When you take into account the 130 other attempts on Bond’s life that did not involve being shot at, the chances of him surviving are even slimmer.

There have been 22 official Bond movies and the attempts on 007’s life have grown increasingly sinister.

In the 1964 film Goldfinger, Bond was handcuffed to a ticking bomb and strapped to a table underneath a giant laser.

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6. Which teams have fewer fans than their namesake? A study

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In the Chicago Bears roast thread, 69memelordharambe420 posted "There are more Bears than Bears fans." That got me thinking: Is that true? And more generally, which teams have fewer fans than there exist whatever they're named after?

To start, I needed a rough estimate of the number of NFL fans in the world. This turned out to be difficult to find. I found several reasonable estimates that ranged from 200,000,000 to 400,000,000, but the average estimate seems to be about 300,000,000, so I decided to go with that. If you prefer a different estimate, you can easily scale all of the final numbers up or down as needed.

Of those 300,000,000, about 90%, or 270,000,000, consider themselves fans of one team in particular. To find out how these 270,000,000 fans apportion themselves among the 32 teams, I used this page, which lists how many likes each team has on Facebook (it lists the St. Louis Rams and the San Diego Chargers but still has accurate numbers for the Facebook likes, I checked), and calculated the total number of likes across the 32 teams: 91,712,968. Then, I took the number of likes for each team and multiplied it by 270,000,000/91,712,968 (then rounded to the nearest whole number) to get the best estimate that I was realistically going to be able to get for the total number of fans that each team has. Here are my results:

Bears: There are roughly 12,092,476 Bears fans. There are eight species of bear, plus the grizzly-polar hybrid. I won't go through all of my calculations, but I came up with a final number of 1,148,364. There are more Bears fans than bears.

Lions: There are roughly 5,642,181 Lions fans. The worldwide lion population is somewhere around 20,000. There are more Lions fans than lions.

Packers: There are roughly 16,024,215 Packers fans. I don't really feel like doing extensive research on the worldwide meatpacking industry, but the U.S. meatpacking industry employs about 148,100 and there is no way that there are a hundred times that number outside of the country. There are more Packers fans than packers.

Vikings: There are roughly 6,200,740 Vikings fans. The Viking Age ended nearly a millennium ago. There are more Vikings fans than Vikings.

Cowboys: There are roughly 25,758,315 Cowboys fans. There are currently less than 9,730 cowboys in the United States. Again, there's no way there are over a thousand times more cowboys elsewhere. There are more Cowboys fans than cowboys.

Eagles: There are roughly 8,888,974 Eagles fans. This one was a lot harder than I was anticipating, but there are 60 different species of eagle. Two of the most common are the bald eagle (70,000 in the world) and the most common eagle in Europe, the spotted eagle (40,000 in the world). Based on this, I highly doubt that the average eagle species has a worldwide population of more than 100,000, an estimate which would yield a total eagle population across all species of 6,000,000 (remember, this is most likely a wild overestimate). There are almost certainly more Eagles fans than eagles.

Giants: There are roughly 11,690,931 Giants fans. Giants are mythological creatures. There are more Giants fans than giants.

7. How Powerful Is Superman?

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Superman punches his opponent a whole 126 km into the sky! How powerful is that? Well it depends on the mass of the opponent. The heaviest Injustice character is arguably Doomsday, Darkseid, or Ares. I couldn't find anything about the mass of Ares (he's a god, give me a break), and comicvine gave Doomsday a weight of 615 lbs (which I don't believe). Nonetheless, comicvine gives Darkseid a weight of 1815 lbs, which I will use.

Energy-wise, that means Superman delivered 1.02E10 Joules of energy into that punch. In better terms, that's 2.43 tons of TNT.

8. How Much Did It Cost Jim to Prank Dwight on The Office?

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A recurring gag on The Office is Jim's relentless pranking of the gullible Dwight Schrute. An intrepid fan created a Google spreadsheet that calculated the total dollar spent. While many were free (such as the time Jim convinced Dwight Thursday was Friday), some were more expensive (such as when Jim shipped Dwight's desk to Roswell, New Mexico). Total cost: $5,590.95.


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As a kid, Kirk Goldsberry was a rabid basketball fan. But this was the 1980s, and living near Penn State meant his house wasn’t quite close enough to Philadelphia to get 76ers games on TV. And so, casting about for a team, he latched on to Dominique Wilkins and the Atlanta Hawks. They were 750 miles away, but through the magic of superstation TBS, Goldsberry could follow them as if he himself hailed from Georgia.

Goldsberry went on to get his bachelor’s degree in earth science and geography at Penn State, and then a master’s and PhD in geography from UC Santa Barbara, where he wrote his dissertation on real-time traffic maps of the Internet. He was interested in finding ways to visually depict data about movement through space and time—to make numbers visible. Maps and space defined how Goldsberry processed the world. Well, maps, space, and basketball.

All through his education, Goldsberry didn’t just watch basketball; he played it too—recreationally, in pickup games. And as he played, he started to think about the game and how it differed from other sports. Analytics—breaking down play and performance with statistics—was starting to supplement more traditional coaching and evaluation methods like watching videotape and working on physical fundamentals.

That revolution had begun in baseball—as Michael Lewis documented in his book Moneyball. But baseball is, relatively speaking, a pretty simple game from a statistical perspective. It centers on a clean sequence of one-on-one confrontations between a batter and a pitcher, and each play has a defined start and end point. (A statistician would call each of those plays a “state.”) Given that, and the wealth of play-by-play data available to researchers, you can do the math on any given situation in a game to predict the odds of the next event. If a team has a runner on first base with one out, there’s a 28 percent chance that team will score in that inning. And so on.

10. Distances in Game of Thrones

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Fear not, GoT fans, there's a nerd out there thinking of you! A young insomniac who goes by Imperial_Affectation spent one long night calculating the distance between places in Westeros and Essos, where the fictional adventure takes place. He said he used the Pythagorean theorem and a map in French he didn't understand to come up with the distances.

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