What Is Skin Rash?

Rash is an inflammation and discoloration that occurs on the skin. The onset of itching, bumps, peeling, scaling, or irritation are forms of skin reactions that have a rash. Skin rashes can be caused by allergies, side effects of drug or cosmetic use, and various diseases. Here are some conditions that cause skin rash and explanations.

Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
Seborrhoeic dermatitis is a skin disorder that affects the scalp and skin of other body parts where there are many oil glands. Areas of the body that are usually affected are the back, face, and upper chest. Seborrhoeic dermatitis is not a contagious disease, but it can progress to severe enough to affect the confidence of the sufferer. Symptoms of this disease can be skin that feels itchy, sore, red and peeled. When it comes to the scalp, it looks like dandruff.

Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema is an inflammation of the skin surface that can cause the appearance of an itchy rash. The rash looks reddish and cracked due to dryness. Atopic dermatitis can be experienced by all people of all ages, although it is common in children. Symptoms usually appear on the skin that has a fold.

Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is inflammation of the skin due to contact with the substance causing allergies. Some materials or substances that can cause this condition include soap, cosmetics, fragrances, jewelry, and plants or flowers. It is important to know the cause of contact dermatitis and avoid it. If it is no longer exposed to the cause, the rash will usually disappear within 2-4 weeks.

Diaper rash
Diaper rash is a bright red inflammation on the surface of the buttocks and surrounding skin. This condition is usually caused by a wet nappy and rarely replaced, sensitive skin, or scratched skin due to carded. Diaper rash generally occurs in infants, or in elderly people who wear diapers. Regular change of diapers, cleansing and drying, and the use of ointments, is a step that can be done to overcome diaper rash.

Fungal infections
Mushrooms are primitive organisms that live in soil, air, plants, and water. In addition, there are also some fungi that live in and on the surface of the human body. Fungal infections are more likely to occur in people who have weakened immune systems or are undergoing antibiotic treatment.

For the treatment of severe skin fungal infections, in addition to topical antifungal drugs (oles), oral antifungal drugs (drink) can also be used.

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Stings and bites
Insects such as bees, ants, mosquitoes (including malaria and dengue), fire ants, flies, lice, wasps, and spider-like arachnids , will sting and / or bite when disturbed or pushed. Allergic reactions will arise from toxins released by sting or insect bites. The poisons that appear usually cause rash, itching and discomfort.

Impetigo is a skin disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptoccus pyogenes bacteria and is highly contagious. Transmission occurs through direct skin contact or through intermediate items, such as towels, clothes, or tableware that are contaminated with bacteria.

Chicken pox
Chicken pox or varicella is a disease caused by varicella zoster virus characterized by symptoms such as rashes and blisters on the skin (generally on the face, behind the ears, scalp, abdomen, chest, arms, and legs). The available treatment only aims to relieve the accompanying symptoms, such as paracetamol to reduce fever, and calamine lotion or powder to relieve itching.

Chickenpox (smallpox)
Chickenpox or snakepox (also known as herpes zoster) is a condition caused by Varic e l la zoster as a virus that also causes chicken pox. The rash that arises from this condition can be accompanied by fever, chills, headaches, and pain throughout the body. Chicken pox generally can heal by itself within 14-28 days. However, patients are advised to see a doctor because this infection can cause nerve disorders.

Ringworm or tinea is a skin disease caused by a fungus. This condition usually attacks the nails, head, groin, and legs. Ringworm is a common disease and can affect anyone, especially children. Ringworm ring is ring-shaped and itchy, and can spread throughout the body.

Scarlet fever
Scarlet fever is an infection caused by the bacterium Streptococcus group A. This condition usually affects children and causes a clearly visible pink rash. In addition to the rash, symptoms that appear are usually accompanied by a sore throat, swollen tongue, high fever, and headache. Scarlet fever is highly contagious. Transmission can occur through saliva from sneezing or coughing inhalation, in contact with skin, and sharing contaminated towels, clothing or blankets. Handling of scarlet fever can be done with antibiotic drugs.

Medicine Allergy
Drug allergy is an abnormal reaction of one's immune system to a drug consumed. The most common symptom of a drug allergy is the appearance of a rash accompanied by fever and biduran (urticaria) . Drug allergy is different from drug side effects or drug intoxication due to overdose. Drug allergies can cause serious and life-threatening reactions.

Measles is an infection caused by a virus and results in the appearance of a rash throughout the body. This condition is highly contagious and can lead to dangerous complications. In addition to rash, measles are also accompanied by symptoms of red eyes ( conjunctivitis ) and sensitive to light, sore throat, cough, fever, runny nose or nose, and white spots to gray on the mouth and throat. The immune system will naturally fight off this viral infection, but if the condition is severe or complications occur, the patient needs immediate medical treatment.

Skin candidiasis
Skin candidiasis is an infection that occurs in human skin caused by Candida fungus. Skin candidiasis rash can be red or white. The rash can appear anywhere, especially in the skin folds, such as the armpit, between the fingers, under the breast, and the groin. To prevent spreading, your doctor will recommend the use of an antifungal cream or powder. Fungal infections can be very dangerous for people with weakened immune systems.

Rubella or German measles is a disease caused by the rubella virus and is easily spread. A person may contract the disease if inhaling the saliva released by the patient when sneezing or coughing, or sharing food or drinking equipment with the patient. Rubella usually affects children and adolescents. The main symptom of a red rash that appears on the face and then spread to the body, hands, and feet. In addition to rash, patients can also experience fever, headache, runny nose or nose, no appetite, eye irritation, and joint pain. Treatment of rubella can be done alone at home to relieve symptoms without special medical assistance.

Cellulitis is a serious skin tissue infection with symptoms of painful skin when held, hot, and visible swell with reddish color. This condition not only affects the skin, but also can attack the tissue under the skin and spread to the lymph nodes and blood flow. Cellulitis is most common in the legs, although it can occur anywhere. Although rare, cellulitis can quickly spread to other body parts. Treatment for this condition is usually with an antibiotic drug.

Chemical burns
Burns can be very painful to cause skin redness, peeling, blistering, burning, or swelling. One of the causes of burns is chemicals, both household chemicals and industrial chemicals. Treatment of burns depends on the severity of burns suffered.

Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by a defective immune system that attacks the tissues and organs of the body itself, one of which is invading the skin. The type of lupus that attacks the skin is discoid lupus erythematosus, with symptoms of red and round rashes such as scales on the skin, and permanent hair loss or hair loss.

Kawasaki's disease
Kawasaki disease is a condition that can cause inflammation of blood vessel walls throughout the body, and usually occurs in children under five years of age. This disease can also attack the lymph nodes, skin, and mucous membranes in the mouth, nose, and throat. The initial symptoms are a redness rash in the intimate organ area and spread to the upper body, hands, feet, and face. In addition, the eyes may be reddened, fingers or feet swollen and red, and lymph nodes in the neck dilate.

Sarcoidosis is the growth of small cells undergoing inflammation in various parts of the body, such as the eyes, skin, lungs, and lymph nodes. In the skin, the symptoms may appear as rashes, wounds, discoloration, and the appearance of nodules. Usually this condition can recover by itself. However, there are several cases of sarcoidosis that can cause organ damage because it has been left untreated for years.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Skin Rash
In addition to asking perceived symptoms as well as observing and checking skin conditions, the doctor will also review the patient's medical history as the initial process of diagnosis. After that, further tests will be recommended to ensure a condition that is suspected to be the cause of the skin rash.

Treatment will also be tailored to the illness suffered, either through oral or topical medication, therapy, or surgery. It is advisable to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the skin rash and get the right treatment.

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