9 Unbelievable Things Doctors Removed From Patients

9 Craziest Things Doctors Removed From Patients


1. Doctors Remove Over 200 Stones From Woman's Body in A Single Operation

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Surgeons at Guanji Hospital, in Hezhou, China, recently spent six hours removing over 200 stones from a woman’s gallbladder and liver, some of them the size of small eggs. The patient, a 45-year-old woman known only as Ms. Chen, had apparently been experiencing abdominal pain for over a decade. When she first went to a hospital about it, an examination revealed several stones in her gallbladder and liver as the cause. Doctors advised her to undergo surgery and have them removed, but she was too scared to go under the knife. She only recently went to Guanji Hospital, when the pain became “unbearable”.

The woman’s surgery lasted six and a half hours, during which time, doctors removed over 200 stones from her gallbladder and liver, from small gravel-like pebbles, to rocks the size of eggs. Dr. Quan Xuwei, one of the surgeons who performed the operation, said that such a large number of stones was unusual, adding that it was probably caused by the woman’s eating habits. The woman, who was making a living by collecting rosin from pine trees, often skipped breakfast completely, and ate leftovers at irregular hours. This caused the bile to build up in the gallbladder, leading to high cholesterol and calcium levels, which crystallized into stones.

2. Surgeons remove 27 contact lenses from woman’s eye

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A 67-year-old woman has had 27 contact lenses removed from one eye. The discovery was made after the woman went to Solihull hospital in the West Midlands for routine cataract surgery. In a report for the British Medical Journal (BMJ), experts from the hospital said “a bluish foreign body” emerged during the procedure “as a hard mass of 17 contact lenses bound together by mucus”. Ten more were found under further examination. The experts wrote: “The patient had worn monthly disposable lenses for 35 years. She had poorer vision in the right eye and deep-set eyes, which might have contributed to the unusually large number of retained foreign bodies.”

Rupal Morjaria, a specialist trainee in ophthalmology, told Optometry Today: “None of us have ever seen this before. “It was such a large mass. All the 17 contact lenses were stuck together. “We were really surprised that the patient didn’t notice it because it would cause quite a lot of irritation while it was sitting there. “She was quite shocked. She thought her previous discomfort was just part of old age and dry eye.”

3. Doctors remove 40 knives from Indian man's stomach

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Surgeons have removed 40 metal knives from a patient who spent two months swallowing them, according to the doctor who led the operation. The unnamed 42-year-old man, who had an 'uncontrollable urge' to eat the knives, went to a hospital in Gurdaspur in Northern India after complaining of stomach pain and weakness. Only after a ultrasound revealed a large mass in his stomach, did the man tell doctors he had swallowed knives. "He had a wild urge to consume metal. Even for us, the experienced surgeons, it was frightening," Dr. Jatinder Malhotra told CNN.

"We were so nervous... a small mistake could have taken the patient's life," Malhotra said. In my 20 years of practice, I have never seen anything like it. Malhotra said they found folded knives, unfolded knives and rusted and broken knives in the man's stomach. "I'm sorry I let my family down," the father of two said. I'll be forever thankful to doctors and hospital staff for saving my life. Psychiatrists still need to clear the man before he can be released.

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4. Doctors remove mushrooms measuring 7cm from woman's stomach after they began growing inside her

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A woman had to have mushrooms removed from her stomach by surgeons after they began to grow inside her. Doctors shared gruesome footage of the fungi lodged in the 50-year-old woman's gut - some of which had grown to up to 7cm long. The mushrooms became stuck in the woman's stomach as she often reportedly cooked dry mushrooms directly without soaking them and didn't chew them properly. She went to hospital after suffering from stomach ache and doctors found that the mushrooms had expanded in her stomach and got stuck.

5. Man who put two live fish up his ANUS rushed to hospital when one swam into his intestines

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A man who put two live pond loaches into his anus is now in intensive care after one of the fish swam up into his intenstines. The unnamed 45-year-old man, who was drunk at the time of insertion, was rushed to hospital with signs of a high temperature, low blood pressure and severe stomach pain. According to reports, the man admitted to voluntarily putting two pond loaches into his anus when he was heavily under the influence of alcohol. Doctors in Guangzhou, southern China, managed to successfully remove the fish. One had broken through the bowel wall, which was causing the patient the severe abdominal pain.

6. Doctors remove live cockroach from a woman’s skull in Chennai

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In what can be called the most bizarre surgery, doctors in Chennai successfully removed a cockroach from a woman’s skull and guess what, it was alive. According to a report published in The New Indian Express, 42-year-old Selvi felt a weird sensation around her nose and eyes at night when she asked her son-in-law to take her to the nearby clinic who then asked her to go to a government hospital where the cockroach was finally taken out.

Selvi, a domestic worker living in Injambakkam, was fast asleep when she felt an insect crawling inside her nostril. She tried to brush it aside but it had already gone in. She then went to the clinic where the doctors told her to visit Stanley Medical College Hospital. After the nasal endoscopy, the doctors found the cockroach sitting on the skull between the woman’s eyes. “This is the first such case I have seen in my three decades of practice,” Dr M N Shankar, head, ENT department at the hospital told TNIE.

Reportedly, Selvi said the night before visiting the hospital was extremely painful. “I could not explain the feeling but I was sure it was some insect. There was a tingling, crawling sensation. Whenever it moved, it gave me a burning sensation in my eyes. I spent the entire night in discomfort, sitting up and waiting for dawn to go to Stanley hospital after getting the reference of a doctor from my employer,” she was quoted as saying.

The doctors are glad that Selvi turned up at the right time because if the cockroach would have died, it might have harmed her brain. “It was sitting in the skull base, between the two eyes, close to the brain. If left inside, it would have died before long and the patient would have developed infection which would have spread to the brain,” Dr Shankar told TNIE.

7. Doctors remove MELON-sized HAIRBALL from the stomach of a teenage girl addicted to eating her locks, whose weight plummeted to just TWO STONE. 

A teenage girl is finally able to eat properly after doctors removed a hairball the size of a melon from her stomach. Aakansha Kumari had secretly been eating her own hair for years but her parents noticed something was wrong when her weight plummeted to just over two stone. The 16-year-old's addiction left her having problems eating and caused her to vomit.

So doctors carried our an X-ray which revealed a huge mass taking up more than 80 per cent of her stomach. They were astonished when they pulled a massive lump of tangled hair from her belly. She was diagnosed with Rapunzel syndrome, a rare condition in which a hairball (called a trichobezar) is found in the stomach, with its tail in the colon. Named after the Grimms fairy tale character, it is associated with trichotillomania, where sufferers have an irresistible urge to pull out one's hair, and trichophagia, the compulsive eating of hair.

8. Doctors find half-dissolved pen cap in patient's lung 20 YEARS after he inhaled it as a child

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A man lived almost 20 years with a plastic pen cap lodged in one of his lungs after he inhaled it as a child and forgot about it. Doctors found and removed the partially-dissolved cap after the man started coughing up blood and went to hospital. When they showed it to them he recalled accidentally inhaling the pointed object when he was a youngster in the 1990s. He suffered fits of coughing throughout his childhood and early 20s, but never thought that it was due to the pen cap.

9. Doctors Remove Scissors From Man’s Abdomen After 18 Years

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A man in Vietnam was walking around for 18 years with evidence of a cutting-edge medical mistake ― a pair of surgical scissors stuck inside his body. On Saturday, doctors removed the scissors from the abdomen of 54-year-old Ma Van Nhat. The tool was discovered Dec. 27 during a routine medical check, according to Tuoitre News. The six-inch scissors were found on the left side of the belly, next to the colon. Doctors said the rusty scissors were stuck to organs.

Amazingly, Nhat rarely suffered pain until recently. He was prescribed ulcer medications on occasion, according to Reuters. Nhat said he believes the scissors found their way into his body in 1998, when he had surgery at Bac Kan Hospital following a traffic crash. The hospital’s director, Trinh Thi Luong, is now taking great pains to find out who may have left the scissors inside Nhat. “Even if they are already retired, we will still inform them,” Luong said, according to Reuters. “This is a lesson to all doctors.”

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