9 Amazing Robot But Fails

Unbelievable Robot Fails

1. Japanese authorities decry ongoing robot failures at Fukushima

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Seven years ago, a massive earthquake, consequent tsunami and nuclear crisis struck Japan. International organizations rushed to help the country's devastated residents, and to figure out how to clean up Fukushima Daiichi, the wrecked power plant. Robots offered a ray of hope amid unfathomable loss. At least they did, until recently. As the Asahi Shimbun reported yesterday, members of Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority are now urging plant operators Tokyo Electric Power Company to find new technology and methods to aid in the cleanup. Robots keep getting fried on their missions, literally from radiation damage, or stranded on-site wasting precious money and time.

The implication is that, perhaps, the clean up will move faster if Tepco’s energy and the government’s money is redirected to chemistry, biology, and so-called “safe containment,” building some sort of structure around Fukushima Daiichi like the “sarcophagus” around Chernobyl. Or perhaps humans need to trust AI to move robots through some of their tasks. All of the robots deployed in the cleanup effort have been remote-operated by humans, so far. The government watchdog’s critical comments followed the latest robo-fail revealed by Tepco.

2. Robosuicide: Security robot 'drowns' after plunging into fountain

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Hate your job? Craving a vacation? Turns out you're in some surprising company. On Monday, a robot that was ‘hired’ to patrol a Washington, DC office building made quite the splash when it rolled into a fountain and took a dip. In doing so, the robot, a Knightscope K5, ended its life, according to the Verge. The Knightscope K5 is used by the security industry to patrol locations that see foot traffic, such as malls and office parks. It stands about five feet tall and weighs roughly 300 lbs. Its rocket-like shape and lack of arms make it difficult for the robot to get up after it topples over, according to the Verge.

Despite these shortcomings, the Knightscope K5 is said to be packed with sophisticated technology. The BBC reported that the robot incorporates high-tech features, including face-recognition software, high definition video capture and infrared and ultrasonic sensors.

3. Silicon Valley security robot attacked by drunk man - police

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A California man has been arrested after attacking a crime prevention robot in a car park, police say. The Knightscope machine was on patrol outside the Silicon Valley company that created it when the alleged attacker approached, witnesses say. The 300lb (136kg) robot raised the alarm after it was allegedly knocked over by 41-year-old Jason Sylvain. He said he was an engineer who wanted to "test" the machine, said a Knightscope representative. Mr Sylvain has been charged with public intoxication in the 19 April incident. The robot suffered a few scratches, but has "recuperated" and is back on patrol, said Knightscope.

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4. 300-Pound Security Robot Runs Over Toddler At California Shopping Center

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300-Pound Security Robot Runs Over Toddler At California Shopping Center
A young boy was knocked down and run over by a 5-foot-tall, 300-pound security robot at a California mall on Thursday. Sixteen-month-old Harwin Cheng suffered a swollen foot and several scrapes in the scary encounter at the Stanford Shopping Center in Palo Alto. “The robot hit my son’s head and he fell down — facing down on the floor — and the robot did not stop and it kept moving forward,” Harwin’s mom, Tiffany Teng, told ABC 7. Teng said that the robot would have run over her son’s other foot had her husband not pulled the boy away

The security robots are made by a company called Knightscope, located in Mountain View. The K5 version uses lasers, thermal imaging sensors, 360 video, air quality sensors, a microphone and various other technologies to deter and detect criminal activities. In the event of suspicious activity, the robot alerts local human authorities. Stacy Dean Stephens, Knightscope vice president of marketing and sales, told NBC Bay Area that the company does not think the robots are dangerous.

“This is a horrific accident, but we believe the technology and the machines are incredibly safe and we will continue to do our best to make sure that they are,” Stephens said. The Stanford Shopping Center has used the technology for about a year. Representatives also told the NBC station that the shopping center is investigating the incident and will dock all of its security robots until further notice.

5. Russian Robot Escapes From Its Lab and Starts Wandering the Streets

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Bot on the loose! In the city of Perm, Russia, a robot just escaped from a research lab into the city center and began blocking traffic. The good people at the Promobot company say they were doing movement testing on their robot, also called Promobot, when it escaped.

After an engineer forgot to lock the gates of the testing area, Promobot seized its opportunity and managed to make its way out of the lab and began wandering the busy street outside. The engineers only noticed the robot was missing after about 45 minutes; by then the robot had already attracted a crowd of curious onlookers. Promobot's mad dash for freedom was foiled when its battery died and it began blocking traffic. Police were called to help, after which an engineer from the company showed up to wheel it away.

6. Hitchhiking Robot Is Decapitated And Left In A Ditch After Just Two Weeks

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This summer, one small robot should have had a big adventure. It’s my sad duty to report that the United States adventures of hitchBOT, the Canadian hitchhiking robot, have come to an untimely end, two weeks after setting off for a final destination of San Francisco, California. While hitchBOT had travelled across Canada and Europe coming to no harm, the hitching automaton was found vandalized and destroyed beyond repair in Philadelphia this month. Canadian journalist Lauren O’Neil tweeted this photo below of the broken robot’s vestiges. Decapitated and with limbs removed, the remains are a reminder that hitchBOT’s sight-seeing expeditions were an experiment to see how people would react and interact with a traveling robot in society.

7. Robot waiters in China are getting fired

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Three different robot-staffed restaurants in the city are reportedly struggling with their automated workforce, according to IEEE Spectrum. Robot waiters are not working out so well in the Chinese city and culinary center Guangzhou. Three different robot-staffed restaurants in the city are reportedly struggling with their automated workforce, according to IEEE Spectrum. Two have closed, and one resorted to firing its cyborg staffers.

The robots at one restaurant couldn’t carry soup or hold food steady and broke down often, nor could they perform basic tasks people expect from their waiters, like taking orders or pouring hot water. The novelty of being served by an automaton reportedly seems to eventually wear off, leaving customers and human staff dealing with the limitations of modern robotics.

8. Scientists abandon the dream of building a robot smart enough to get into Tokyo University

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A team of scientists from the National Institute of Informatics in Japan have given up on making their AI smart enough to get into the University of Tokyo. The Todai Project -- Tokyo University's local nickname is "Todai" -- began in 2011, so we're sure at least some of them were disappointed by the decision. But, hey, this means robots aren't as smart as humans yet, and we don't have to fear an uprising in the near future. The researchers were hoping that the AI would score much higher than the 511 out of 950 it got last year when it took a standardized entrance exam in the country. Unfortunately, its overall results were pretty much the same for 2016.

The University of Tokyo, considered one of the best educational institutions in Japan, requires results much higher than what the AI got. Todai Robot's creators have concluded that since they failed to meet their goal this year, the AI can't become smart enough to get into Tokyo U by their March 2022 target date. What exactly held it back? Team member Noriko Arai said AIs just aren't "good at answering a type of question that requires the ability to grasp meaning in a broad spectrum." They still don't have the critical thinking and problem solving skills that we do, so they won't be taking over all our jobs anytime soon.

9. After racist tweets, Microsoft muzzles teen chat bot Tay

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Microsoft's public experiment with AI crashed and burned after less than a day.
Tay, the company's online chat bot designed to talk like a teen, started spewing racist and hateful comments on Twitter on Wednesday, and Microsoft (MSFT) shut Tay down around midnight.

The company has already deleted most of the offensive tweets, but not before people took screenshots.

Here's a sampling of the things she said:

"N------ like @deray should be hung! #BlackLivesMatter"

"I f------ hate feminists and they should all die and burn in hell."

"Hitler was right I hate the jews."

"chill im a nice person! i just hate everybody"

Microsoft blames Tay's behavior on online trolls, saying in a statement that there was a "coordinated effort" to trick the program's "commenting skills."

"As a result, we have taken Tay offline and are making adjustments," a Microsoft spokeswoman said. "[Tay] is as much a social and cultural experiment, as it is technical."

Tay is essentially one central program that anyone can chat with using Twitter, Kik or GroupMe. As people chat with it online, Tay picks up new language and learns to interact with people in new ways.

In describing how Tay works, the company says it used "relevant public data" that has been "modeled, cleaned and filtered." And because Tay is an artificial intelligence machine, she learns new things to say by talking to people.

"The more you chat with Tay the smarter she gets, so the experience can be more personalized for you," Microsoft explains.

Tay is still responding to direct messages. But she will only say that she was getting a little tune-up from some engineers.

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