What Is Candidiasis?

Candidiasis is an infection caused by Candida Fungus. Normally, human skin is inhabited by bacteria and fungi that are mostly harmless. Some types of bacteria and fungi can even help the skin to perform its function. However, if the bacteria and fungi reproduce unruly, it can cause infection.

Types of Candida fungus that generally cause candidiasis in humans, among others are:
  • Candida tropicalis.
  • Candida albicans.
  • Candida parapsilosis.
  • Candida glabrata.
  • Candida guilliermondii.
Common types of candidiasis based on the location or part of the affected body include:
  • Oral candidiasis, an infection of candidiasis in the mouth.
  • Vulvovaginal Candidiasis, an infection of candidiasis in the female genital organs.
  • Balanitis, an infection of candidiasis in the male genital organs.
  • Intertirgo, a candidiasis infection in the skin fold area.
  • Dermatitis napkin , a candidiasis infection that causes rash due to diaper usage.
  • Chronic paronychia and onychomycosis, ie candidiasis infection in the nail region.
  • Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis.
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Symptoms Candidiasis
Symptoms of candidiasis that appears will vary depending on the location. Symptoms that often appear is a rash on the skin. Rashes that arise from candidiasis can cause itchy, cracked, and dry skin. In addition, candidiasis can also cause blisters and pus on the skin.

Rashes that arise from candidiasis can occur on the skin in various parts of the body, but generally occur in areas of skin folds, such as the armpit, groin, interrupted fingers, and under the breast. Candidiasis can also occur on the nail, the edge of the nail, and in the corner of the mouth.

Causes and Risk Factors Candidiasis
Candidiasis can occur when the Candida fungus on the skin multiplies uncontrollably and causes infection. Candida infection can occur because it is triggered by the following things:
  • Warm weather.
  • Skin is damp or not drained properly.
  • Weak immune system, such as in pregnancy or diabetes .
  • Tight clothes.
  • Poor personal hygiene.
  • The use of corticosteroids that can cause immune system disorders.
  • Use of antibiotics that can kill bacteria on the skin that serves to suppress the proliferation of Candida .
  • Obesity .
  • Rarely change underwear.
In addition to these factors, the conditions below can also trigger candidiasis in the skin, among others:
  • Aged or still a child.
  • Iron deficiency.
  • Take a contraceptive pill that contains high estrogen.
  • Undergo chemotherapy.
  • Have other skin diseases, such as psoriasis.
  • Suffering from Cushing's syndrome or other endocrine gland disorders.
  • Chronic weakness due to cancer or malnutrition.

Diagnosis Candidiasis
To ascertain whether the patient is exposed to candidiasis or not, the doctor will perform the following checks:
  • Physical examination. Physical examination is done by visually examining the shape and appearance of the rash. In addition, the doctor will also check the skin condition in the area.
  • Skin culture. After examining the condition of the skin and rashes during physical examination, the doctor will perform swabbing (smear) on the skin area affected by candidiasis. The results of skin samples obtained from swabbing are then examined in the laboratory to ascertain the presence of Candida fungus so it can be ascertained whether candidiasis or not occurs.
  • Urine analysis. Urine analysis is useful to help diagnose genitourinary candidiasis. Urine can be analyzed to check for the presence of red and white blood cells, proteins, and yeast cells. In addition, urine can also be cultured to check for the presence of fungi

Treatment and Prevention Candidiasis
Candidiasis in the skin can be prevented by simple treatment, by keeping the personal hygiene well and changing lifestyle. Some lifestyle that can be done to prevent candidiasis infection, among others are:
  • Immediately change moist clothes, such as swimsuits or sportswear, with dry clothes.
  • Replace socks and underwear regularly.
  • Eat probiotics regularly.
  • Wear loose and not tight clothes.
  • Maintain blood sugar levels.
  • Cleans skin area affected by candidiasis using a mild soap and does not contain perfume.
Treatment of candidiosis is usually a topical antifungal cream-shaped to be applied to the skin. The purpose of this drug is to inhibit the spread of infection and kill Candida fungus. Especially for candidiasis infection that has developed into a systemic infection (attacking the whole body), can be given oral antifungal drugs.

Several classes of antifungal drugs, both topical and oral, may be given to treat candidiasis, among others:
  • Antizamur azole group. These drugs, especially those packed in topical form, are often given as the first treatment of fungal infections, including candidiasis. In addition to the topical form, azole antifungals may also be administered in oral form to treat systemic candidiasis. Examples of this class of drugs are fluconazole , itraconazole, voriconazole, and
  • Polyene. This is a broad spectrum antifungal drug. Examples are amphotericin B and nystatin .
  • Glucan synthesis inhibitors. This class of antifungal drugs serves to treat candidiasis that is classified as severe, systemic, and invasive. This drug can also be given to people with candidiasis who can not be treated with amphotericin B drugs. Examples of glucan synthesis inhibitors are caspofungin, micafungin, and
  • Topical Azole . The function of this drug is the same as other azole antifungals, just packed in topical form as topical cream. Examples of this drug are clotrimazole , butoconazole, vaginal miconazole, tioconazole, and teronazole vaginal.
As for accelerating the cure of Candida infection around the genitals, you can do the following things:
  • Wearing underwear made of cotton.
  • Do not wear underwear that is too tight.
  • Avoid using soap containing perfumes in sex organs.
  • Keep the sex organs dry, especially after cleaning or after bathing.
Candidiasis that occurs in infants or young children should be of special concern. If neglected or not treated properly, candidiasis infections may develop and spread rapidly. Candidiasis in infants often occurs on the part of the diaper, characterized by redness of the skin with clear limits and persists after 3 days. If it happens, immediately do diaper change routinely and put the baby in loose clothing. If necessary, doctors may administer nystatin antifungal drugs to treat candidiasis in infants.

Babies may also have candidiasis in the form of mouth ulcers. Thrush in infants is characterized by cracked mouth and the appearance of white patches on the mouth, tongue, and inside of the cheek. Doctors can give antifungal drugs that are dripped into the baby's mouth several times a day to treat candidiasis in the mouth.

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