What Is Sexual Disfunction?

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that prevents someone from having sexual desire or getting satisfaction in sexual activity. This condition can affect both women and men. And the risk is higher as your age. Sexual dysfunction in women includes problems in sexual response, orgasm and pain during intercourse. While sexual problems in men involve erectile dysfunction or impotence, ejaculation disorders, and loss of sexual desire. Sexual dysfunction itself is not a rare thing, where 43 percent of women and 31 percent of men have at least experienced a disturbance or difficulty in their sexual activity. 

Sexual dysfunction can be a nuisance if this problem persists and has a significant effect on one's sexual life. The longer this sexual dysfunction takes place, the higher the pressure and anxiety level the sufferer has. Even so, most sufferers of sexual dysfunction can be restored with physical treatment combined with psychological therapy.

Symptoms of Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction shows symptoms based on the type of disorder suffered. Men and women have different symptoms. The following are symptoms of sexual dysfunction in women:
  • Low sexual desire . This is the most common type of sexual dysfunction in women, and is characterized by a loss of desire or desire to have sex.
  • Sexual stimulation disorders . In this condition, sexual desire persists, but a woman is difficult to be aroused and maintain stimulation during sexual activity.
  • Sexual pain / dyspareunia disorders . Symptoms are pain when making vaginal contact or sexual stimulation. Many things can trigger pain in sexual relations, including vaginismus, inadequate lubrication, and stiff vaginal muscles.
  • Orgasm disorders , namely difficulty reaching orgasm even though stimulation and stimulation is carried out continuously.
While the symptoms of sexual dysfunction in men are:
  • Erectile dysfunction known as impotence . This condition occurs when men are unable to erect or maintain an erection needed during sexual intercourse.
  • Decreased sexual desire (libido). This condition is often associated with a low amount of testosterone in the body. If the decrease in desire is severe, a man will not be passionate about sexual intercourse.
  • Ejaculation disorders , There are three types of ejaculatory disorders, namely premature ejaculation (ejaculation that occurs before penetration or shortly after penetration), slow ejaculation, and reverse ejaculation (ejaculation returns to the bladder and not out at the tip of the penis through the urethra).
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Causes of Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction can occur due to several factors, including:
  • Physical or medical conditions that interfere with sexual function. These conditions include diabetes, heart and vascular disease, nervous disorders, chronic diseases, drug abuse, and side effects of certain drugs (one of which is an antidepressant that can interfere with sexual desire and function).
  • Hormonal conditions , such as decreasing estrogen levels in women, especially after menopause and low testosterone in men, reduce the desire to engage in sexual activity.
  • Psychological factors , especially stress, can cause sexual dysfunction. In addition, anxiety, excessive anxiety about sexual performance, problems in relationships or marriage, depression, feelings of guilt, and the effects of past trauma can also be influential.

Diagnosis of Sexual Dysfunction 
Diagnosis of sexual dysfunction begins with asking for symptoms as a whole and carrying out a physical examination, including examining physical changes that can affect sexual satisfaction, such as skin elasticity and tissue on the genitals. To strengthen the diagnosis of sexual dysfunction, your doctor may perform the following tests, including:
  • Blood tests to check hormone levels and other risk factors, such as diabetes and cholesterol.
  • Test to monitor erections while sleeping at night. This test will determine whether an erectile disorder is experienced due to physical or psychological factors.
  • Vascular test in men to check blood flow to the penis.
  • Sensory testing test to check the strength of nerve impulses in certain parts of the body.
Doctors can also refer patients to other doctors, such as urologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, sexual therapists and other therapists to get the most appropriate diagnosis and treatment options.

Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction 
Sexual dysfunction treatment aims to overcome the main problem that causes this disorder. These treatments include:
  • Medical treatment to deal with physical problems . For sufferers of a disease, doctors can adjust or replace drugs that have certain sexual effects. Flibanserin drugs are given to premenopausal women who have low sexual desire. While the drug tadalafil, sildenafil , or vardenafil can improve male sexual function by increasing blood flow to the penis. For the problem of premature ejaculation, doctors can give promescent drugs. This topical spray drug contains lidocaine which aims to reduce sensitivity so that ejaculation is more controlled.
  • Treatment related to hormonal problems . For women with low estrogen levels, estrogen therapy can be given to help vaginal elasticity by increasing blood flow and lubrication in the vagina. This therapy can be given in the form of a vaginal ring, cream or tablet. For men with low testosterone levels, doctors can give hormone supplements or testosterone replacement therapy.
  • Psychology therapy . This therapy is carried out by trained counselors to help a person overcome anxiety, fear or guilt that impacts sexual function. In addition, an understanding of sex and sexual behavior also needs to be possessed by patients so that anxiety about their sexual abilities can be overcome. One way is to talk openly with your partner about your needs and anxiety in order to eliminate obstacles in your sex life.
In addition to these treatments, several assistive devices such as a pump (vacuum) and vibrator can help a person in handling sexual problems. Whereas to help men with erectile disorders, the choice of penile implant surgery can be considered.

To improve your sexual life, increase your confidence and find ways to be comfortable with your sexuality. In addition, you also need to be able to accept your physical form. It can all be achieved by implementing a healthy lifestyle, such as exercising to improve fitness and mood, taking time to relax to relieve stress, avoid alcohol consumption, and stop smoking.

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