Get ready for Aug. 21 solar eclipse

The local Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club will hold a special program next week on how to make solar filters for telescopes and binoculars.

The filters are essential for protecting the eyesight of anyone interested in watching the total solar eclipse that will darken a band of the United States from South Carolina to Oregon on Aug. 21.

The FOG meeting will take place at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Mark Morris High School cafeteria. Entry is through the school’s rear parking lot off Ocean Beach Highway in Longview. Admission is free.

The total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly between the earth and the sun, blocking out the sun in a band several hundred miles across the face of the earth. It is in effect the moon’s shadow. The totality of the Aug. 21 eclipse will not be visible from Washington, but it will be from Oregon locations such as Corvallis and Salem. Washington will, however, get to see a partial ecilpse.

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