8 Viral Twins

Awesome Twins That Became Internet Sensations

1. The Brazilian albino models who are changing the fashion industry

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Lara and Mara Bawar are not your average supermodels, but their striking appearance is sending shockwaves through the fashion industry. The 11-year-old twins from São Paulo, Brazil, have albinism—a hereditary inability to produce the pigment melanin—but the girls have embraced their condition to the fullest.

In 2016, the twins' unique features caught the eye of Swiss photographer Vinicius Terranova. In a personal project now known as Flores Raras (“Rare Flowers”), Terranova photographed the girls—as well as their older sister, Sheila, who does not have albinism—to showcase how truly beautiful diversity can be. Lara, Mara, and Sheila have since been signed to model for Nike, Insanis, and Bazaar Kids, and they have also bagged over 107k Instagram followers.

2. The Fashionable”Twins”: Sophia and Sonia Okri Have Become an Internet Sensation

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Fashionable twins Sophia and Sonia Okri are an Internet sensation. The stylish sisters were recently discovered on Instagram, and fans just can't handle the swag. Their coordinating outfits bring a whole new meaning to the term "twinning."

3. People Are Furious At These Twins Who Crossed An Olympics Finish Line Holding Hands

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This is Anna and Lisa Hahner, twins from Germany who also happen to both be elite marathon runners.

Both women qualified for this year's marathon final at the Rio Olympics. They filled two of the three slots to represent their country at the games.

"We are so proud, happy and full of joy," they wrote in a blog post. "Our big dream has come true."

On Sunday, the twins competed in the marathon final. They finished 81st and 82nd, and they crossed the finish line holding hands.

But the twins have come under heavy criticism for their finish. People said they seem to have thrown the race for a good photo, and they were even criticized by German officials.

"It looked as though they completed a fun run and not [an] Olympic [race]," German Athletics Federation director Thomas Kurschilgen told the BBC.

Kurschilgen added that he thought the finish was "disrespectful and a slap in the face to all the other athletes in the German team."

The Hahners have also been slammed in the media. Columnist Lars Wallrodt wrote in Die Welt that the twins were "seemingly relaxed, as if they came from a walk on the beach."

"If the Hahners want to cross the finish line together, beaming and holding hands, then they can do that all they like - in a local fun run in St Polten or the Miss Plaits run in Solingen," he wrote.

Kurschilgen implied to the BBC that the move was a publicity stunt, because the twins are very active on social media and have their own YouTube channel.

4. Identical twin sisters become internet hit after covering famous rock hits using nothing but HARPS

It's the real life sister act! Meet the Harp Twins, the identical twin sisters who are causing a storm online by covering legendary rock songs using nothing but harps.

The sisters started making videos because they wanted to show their friends and family their incredible talent.

They spent weeks practicing and arranging their covers of rock legends including The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Coldplay and Led Zeppelin.

When the songs went online they attracted a rock star-sized following, racking up millions of view.

Their version of Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven and their cover of the Game of Thrones theme on YouTube have had nearly two million hits each.

Camille said: 'We began playing harp in Middle School, after we had already been playing piano for years.

'Harp has always seemed like a magical instrument to us.

Many people assume we have been playing harp a lot longer.'

'We started arranging rock music as a fun alternative to our classical harp studies.

Later, we posted a couple of our covers on YouTube for family and friends and it went from there.'

When the renaissance rockers first started to learn the harp, they had to share a second hand one between them.


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The thought of having a twin is so fun. A best friend from birth that you can hang with (and annoy) 24/7? Dream. Come. True. Extra points if said twin is identical, someone you can borrow (er, steal) clothes from, and who shares similar passions. Not sure if you’ve caught on yet, but we’re essentially describing the crazy-talented L.A.-based twins, Allie and Lexi Kaplan. Typically grouped together under the name The Kaplan Twins, these two are taking the art industry by storm, by way of NSFW celebrity oil paintings that all started with them first painting Paris Hilton’s sex tape. Add the fact that the twins have the best sense of humor,  and had a project where they “slept” with plush toys and then sold them to followers, and you can see why we were dying to know more.

On how they first got into painting:

Allie Kaplan: “We’ve been painting our entire lives. When we were seven, I remember taking art classes for school and in high school we did AP art.”

Lexi Kaplan: “I remember even painting as babies and our grandparents would hang things on their walls and we’d color at restaurants—we were always into it. We just decided to go to school for it at a certain point.”

On where the idea to paint Kim Kardashian’s and Paris Hilton’s sex tapes came from:

LK: “We’re really fascinated by celebrity culture. We were just thinking, Kim and the Kardashians are everywhere (it’s honestly hard to keep track of them) so, we were thinking about how it all started…”

AK: “Just the way the media manipulates everything and how celebrity culture is in our faces every day—we were talking and thinking, did it really start from a sex tape? Is that really how this started? So [then we thought] maybe it’d be interesting and funny to make a series of traditional oil paintings, of something that’s very non-traditional—something that’s controversial and mainstream celebrity culture.”

LK: “They really are iconic moments in culture because if you think about the career that [Kim's] created based on that single moment.”

On how they deal with people referring to their art as porn:

LK: “In the beginning [we received a lot of backlash]—a lot of our Instagram posts would be removed.”

AK: “People would say it was porn, or whatever. I mean, it is, but it’s a painting of porn, so it’s not really.”

LK: “It gets complicated. It’s so interesting how these are paintings, they’re not photos, so where do you draw the line? What’s the difference? A lot of people get confused and they like to criticize and say, ‘This is really out there, this is disturbing, this is gross.’ We have each other, we’re a team, so that’s helpful to get through it. At this point we’ve created a brand for ourselves, and we know what kind of work we make and people who follow our work know the type of work we make also, so at this point the porn comments have died down a little bit.”

On if their famous muses have ever noticed their work:

AK: “We did [a painting] of Emily Ratajkowksi’s naked selfies and a friend of ours said she was aware of the painting, which is kind of cool, so if we could get it to her, that would be amazing. I think she would like it because she’s all about feminism, body confidence, and body image.”

LK: “We’re doing our new series of naked celebrity selfies. I think it was Kanye that said he feels like Kim’s naked selfies are, in a way, modern-day renaissance paintings, so we’re taking that idea and actually turning that into modern-day renaissance paintings, and putting it back in the formal oil painting context.”

On how they decide what to paint next:

AK: “Discussing what we can do that has shock value, but is also super fun and engaging. For us, it’s important to generate a conversation, and with art in general, we don’t really need to have some profound and detailed conceptual thought to it, it’s more about what the public can relate to, what can generate some sort of controversy.”

LK: “It’s always been about the commentary and it’s also a conversation that is constantly generated and that we feed into as a culture—we’re feeding into the celebrity and constantly talking about [it].”

On how their plush toy project, “Boy Toys,” came to be:

LK: “We found it really interesting that when we would post things on Instagram, we had more engagement if we were also in the photo, so the idea stemmed off that. We were working with a friend at the time in his studio, and we were all discussing ideas for what could be really fun and also get people talking and get them engaged, and we’re like, what if we did something with stuffed animals where we slept with them and posted suggestive photos, and see if they’d be able to sell. It turns out they did and then the whole boy toy idea and the specific action heroes that we created just naturally started to develop as we were going around the toy district.”

On who they are hoping to collaborate with in the future:

LK: “We would love to collaborate with a lot of fashion brands. Definitely Nike. We always paint in Calvin Klein underwear just because it’s really hot in our studio and it’s comfortable, so I think doing something with them would be really fun, they’re super edgy and cool.”

6. Twin, lose or draw: Sabrina Flores plays for the U.S.; Monica for Mexico

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One wore red, white and blue. The other wore green.

Most siblings are used to heated backyard battles. Usually the rivalries never get beyond the family home.

The Flores twins, Monica and Sabrina, made soccer a shared passion. They practiced hard against each other while growing up, scarcely imagining that one day at the under-20 World Cup, they would be on opposite sides, with Monica representing Mexico, Sabrina the United States.

The identical twins started their soccer journey together.

"We were involved in region and [Olympic Development Program]," said Monica. The twins attended youth national team camps together from the age of 13. A couple of years later, things changed.

"At U-16 level, things started to go differently for me and my sister," Monica said.

She continued to play at a high level, joining Sabrina, the elder by 11 minutes, at Notre Dame where both study pre-med. But she was no longer brought in to U.S. youth national team camps. Monica then decided to try another route.

Notre Dame hosts Mexico's under-20 team annually for a preseason match. Two years ago, knowing Monica was eligible through her father to play for Mexico, Notre Dame head coach Theresa Romagnolo intervened.

"During warm-ups, I was talking to their head coach at the time, Leo [Cuellar]," Romagnolo said. She told Cuellar about Monica's eligibility. "Anytime I can recommend a player for a national team, I'm going to do it. It's an opportunity. To play at that international level can be really special."

Mexico's coaches liked what they saw from the hard-running, possession-oriented defender.

"From then on, I got called into Mexico camps," Monica said.

She adjusted quickly, practicing Spanish with her teammates. Mexican-Americans make up a sizable portion of Mexico's women's teams at all the different youth and senior levels. "We're all united to represent Mexico," Monica said. "It's one of the greatest feelings."

"Once we started our respective different national team programs, me with the U.S., Monica with Mexico, we knew at some point that encounter would happen," Sabrina said.

The added scrutiny on their unique situation made them both a bit uncomfortable.

"There was attention beforehand -- the twins battle, a household divided," Monica said of the lead up to November's under-20 Women's World Cup quarterfinal clash in Papua, New Guinea.

"Everyone would turn their heads to us just because we are from the same family, but playing for two different countries," said Sabrina. "It just happened that different opportunities were presented to us."

"I was so proud to see them on the field together, representing different countries," said Romagnolo.

Monica and her Mexico teammates held a one-goal lead late into the second half. Sabrina was subbed out in the 73rd minute as the United States team desperately sought an equalizer. It came eight minutes later. In the final moments of injury time, the Americans scored again, eliminating Mexico from the tournament with the 2-1 result.

"The U.S. came out winning the game," Sabrina said. "I was so happy for my team and how hard we worked, but I also had the feeling within myself that my sister was really sad and disappointed."

Monica was unable to hold back tears. Sabrina went immediately to console her.

"I couldn't control what I was feeling,” Monica said, adding she was grateful for her sister's understanding. "It shows that no matter what, we'd always be together. The game wouldn't divide us. Our innate reaction was to comfort each other and to feel sympathy for each other."

What neither was aware of then was their moment together was broadcast and shared on social media all over the world. Messages began pouring in for the twins about how their sisterly affection at a competitive event touched many.

"The uplifting messages to keep going, and to have support from a huge variety of people, it meant the world to me and my Mexico team," Monica said.

Though she didn't take her sister's gesture of comfort for granted, Monica wasn't surprised by the combination of tough competitor and tender consoler in Sabrina.

"That's what makes us the players that we are, always constantly having each other's backs, pushing each other when we need to or just being by each other's side to give each other help," said Monica.

"They have similar values, aspirations," Romagnolo noted. "There's a lot of respect. When you're going up against an opponent of that caliber every day, you're going to continue to grow."

Going forward, the university juniors want to close out their college careers together and continue to pursue their soccer dreams. Monica has already appeared for Mexico's senior team. Sabrina is hoping to make the USWNT. Both understand as regional rivals, they may face off against each other for years to come internationally and accept that as the price of success on the highest level. One dream scenario would echo their Notre Dame experience by making the roster of the same pro club.

"If we could be playing together, we'd definitely be doing that," Sabrina said.


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Twin sisters Brigitte and Jaimee Navarrete are on a mission. Everything they do is designed to set them apart from the crowd. And they’re only in the very beginning of their journey.

“We’re definitely aware of not being taken seriously,” says Brigitte. “I mean, we’re fake blonde sisters from Hollywood. We didn’t want to be a gimmick. It’s hard to stop being viewed as just the twins. I think it was the consistent bookings that made everybody take us seriously.”

Known together as the hip-hop-oriented act Deux, the sisters had been DJing for a few years when they signed with SKAM Artists last year. Constant touring has helped build their abilities and confidence—Vegas, Miami and Denver are among their favorite cities to visit and play—and now they are making plans to build a full-fledged musical brand.

“For most of the past year we’ve been locked in an apartment working on production, really learning how to make a track from start to finish,” Jaimee says. “When we put something out, we want to be able to say 100 percent this is our stuff, no other person is making these sounds. We know we’re an easy target.”

While Brigitte takes the lead on the production front, Jaimee takes the reins when it comes to style. Deux is expecting to double its number of gigs in the coming year while rolling out new music and different streetwear-inspired merch, testing the waters for more fashion efforts to come later on down the road.

“That’s kind of the way we do everything, test the waters and when people respond, then we go all in,” says Brigitte.

It all comes back to the music, the rhythms that sparked the sisters’ interest in the first place.

“We love making people dance. It’s really the only way to know if people like what we’re doing or not,” says Jaimee. “But we never really keep the same set, we try to keep it evolving. We don’t want them to know what’s coming next.” Deux at Light at Mandalay Bay, April 14.

8. If You Don't Know Who The Clermont Twins Are, You Better Ask Somebody

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These two are Shannade and Shannon Clermont. They're identical twins, collectively known as the Clermont twins.

The sisters were recently the stars of Season 14 of Bad Girls Club (and they were actually the best part of this entire season).

Unfortunately, after some fuckery with the other cast members, the twins were asked to leave the show.

Background: the twins and Jela (another cast mate and friend) were asked to leave the show because several of the other cast members literally destroyed hundreds of thousands of dollars of their clothes, purses, and shoes. It was truly tragic. But if the twins had stayed in the house someone probably would have gotten murdered, so for the safety, of the cast and crew the girls had to go.

Anyway, since exiting the show the twins have proved that they give no fucks and are still gettin' checks. They recently starred in Future's video "Real Sisters."

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