10 Facebook Live Saddest Story

Most Heartbreaking Facebook Live Tragedies

1. Depraved dad hangs himself and his 11-month-old baby on Facebook Live after accusing his girlfriend of cheating

AN evil father hanged his baby daughter before killing himself LIVE on Facebook after a jealous row with the child’s mother.

Wuttisan Wongtalay, 20, accused partner Jiranuch Trirat, 21, of cheating on him before disappearing with their 11-month-old child Beta on Monday in Phuket, Thailand.

The twisted father climbed a building and opened the Facebook live stream before looping a rope round his daughter’s neck and throwing her off the edge.

He is then shown climbing down to retrieve the infant’s dead body and before hanging himself in the disturbing footage.

Heartbroken Jiranuch saw the shocking video and called police who found the pair hanging from an abandoned building in Sakoo, south of Phuket International Airport.

The harrowing footage remained on the killer's Facebook page for nearly 24 hours after it was posted online.

And while the original post has been removed, the footage and the disturbing pictures have been shared dozens of times and remain on the social network.

The horror video comes just days after Facebook was blasted for allowing graphic footage of Cleveland killer Steve Stephens’ brutal murder of a granddad to stay online for more than two hours.

In the Phuket case, the distraught mother told cops that she had fled the home earlier that morning after the depraved Wuttisan had threatened to kill her.

She said he had checked her phone and accused her of having an affair before flying into a jealous rage.

Jiranuch went home later that day and rang her boyfriend but could not reach him - before logging on to Facebook and seeing the horrific video.

Lt Col Sanit Nookhong from the Thai Royal Police said the murder suicide was “an act of jealously”.

He said: "We had an emergency call from Ms. Trirat and launched a search. We found the bodies of the father and daughter.

“We then checked the video of the man. He had done it before we arrived so there was no way for us to reach them.

“The man had an argument with his girlfriend. He was jealous and thought that she had other boyfriends.

“The video was posted at 5.45pm and we had the call at 6.30pm.”

Speaking with The Sun Online, Facebook insisted posting violent footage was against its terms and confirmed the company is removing the video when it is reported to them.

A spokesperson said: “This is an appalling incident and our hearts go out to the family of the victim.

“There is absolutely no place for content of this kind on Facebook and it has now been removed.”

Meanwhile, Facebook is still reeling from the fallout over the depraved shooting of a pensioner in Cleveland which was streamed live on the social media site.

The sick video of killer Stephens shooting 74-year-old Robert Godwin Sr in the face was only reported more than 1 hour and 45 minutes after it was posted.

But Facebook admitted they “need to do better” and says it is reviewing its system to make sure people can report videos and other material “as easily and quickly as possible”.

Stephens, 37, shot and killed himself today after a police chase in Erie, Pennsylvania, after two days on the run.

2. 2nd arrest in Facebook Live gang rape of 15-year-old girl

A second juvenile has been arrested in the horrific gang rape of a 15-year-old girl that was streamed on Facebook Live.

Chicago Police Spokesman Anthony Guglielmi tweeted news of the arrest Monday afternoon.

No further details about the 15-year-old boy have been released. Guglielmi said both suspects will face criminal sexual assault, and manufacturing and distribution of child pornography charges, all felonies. Both will be charged as juveniles, he said.

The suspect turned himself in to the 10th District police station accompanied by his mother, and is being questioned before being taken to juvenile detention according to Guglielmi.

As the boy was question Monday night, community members gathered at Area Central police to call for others to come forward.

"Asking their parents just to bring them in before they get a knock on their door and be taken out in handcuffs. Just bring them in, and get their name and their statement and their accountability of what happened," said crisis responder Andrew Holmes.

A hearing was held for another suspect, a 14-year-old boy arrested over the weekend, Monday morning. The suspect was not present for the hearing, which was continued until April 28. But a battle ensued in court over whether journalists would be allowed inside.

The teen's public defender did not want the media at the hearing, citing privacy and safety concerns for the minor, but prosecutors said the media had a right to be there. The judge agreed, since it was a public hearing.

Since the suspect is a minor, he will not be named. He is accused of being involved in the sex assault, which was streamed live and removed. Police said as many as 40 people saw the video on Facebook and no one called police.

The 15-year-old girl went missing on March 19. Investigators said she was lured to a home by one of her attackers, who did not allow her to leave. Police said as many as six young men took part in the attack.

The victim was found two days later, walking down the street near her home on Chicago's South Side.

"The young men responsible should be ashamed of themselves. They've humiliated themselves, humiliated their families, and now they're going to be held accountable for what they did," Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said.

Authorities said since the attack, the victim has been traumatized, becoming the target of bullies. She was relocated with her family to a safe place.

Andrew Holmes, an anti-violence activist in Chicago who spoke to the girl's mother on Sunday, said the family is having trouble coping.

"This was a torture, not just a sexual assault," Holmes said.

3. Two Afghan migrants who raped woman for three hours while their mate filmed it on Facebook Live are jailed for just TWO years

TWO Afghan migrants who raped a woman for three hours while their mate filmed it on Facebook Live have been jailed for just TWO years.

The three were arrested after cops stormed the room from which the vile attack was being broadcast live to a closed Facebook group with 60,000 members.

Horrified members had alerted cops after seeing the woman who was "close to unconscious" being assaulted in the town of Uppsala northwest of Stockholm on January 22.

The film was removed from Facebook but not before it had been circulated on the internet.

Today a Swedish court sentenced Reza Mohammed Ahmadi, 21, to two years and four months in prison for rape and accessory to rape, while Maysam Afshar, 18, was sentenced to one year in prison for rape - a reduced sentence due to his age.

Both are Afghan citizens who have been granted residency in Sweden.

Emil Khodagholi, a 21-year-old Swedish citizen, was sentenced to six months in prison for posting the recording to Facebook.

4. ‘Abusive’ mum ‘watched her daughter, 14, stream her suicide on Facebook Live and wrote she was attention-seeking and crying wolf’

THE mother of a tragic teenager who streamed her own suicide on Facebook Live has been accused of mocking her daughter online as she took her own life.

Gina Caze is said to have watched and written messages on her estranged 14-year old daughter's social media post accusing her of seeking attention and crying wolf.

Caze did nothing to stop desperate Nakia Venant from committing suicide, a damning report from a child services department says.

The Florida Department of Children and Families said instead Caze criticised her  daughter as she watched the two-hour long Facebook Live video.

The official report says she called Nakia a 'custody jit' and and that she was a 'crying wolf...seeking attention'.

In the report, investigators allege that Nakia’s mother, who identified herself to the press as Gina Alexis, watched the broadcast for nearly two hours.

But her attorney, Howard Talenfeld, indicated his client did not see her daughter’s suicide.

“Mom did not know that Naika had committed suicide. She did not witness this online,” he said.

And Caze has strenuously denied she made the comments as her daughter died.

Caze had a long history of conflicts with her daughter and Nakia was eventually taken away from her due to physical abuse concerns.

Vulnerable Nakia was living with a foster family at the time of her death and was found hanged by Miami-Dade police.

The sickening comments on her Facebook page were made from Caze's Facebook account with the user name Gina Alexis, reported Tampa Bay Times.

One read: '#ADHD games played u sad little DCF custody jit that's why u where u at for this dumb s--t n more u keep crying wolf u dead u will get buried life goes on after a jit that doesn't listen to there parents trying to be grown seeking boys and girls attention instead of her books.'

Her broadcast was watched by hundreds of people, some of whom pleaded with the girl to reconsider her decision.

But others urged her to take her life, calling her names and saying that the broadcast was fake.

The youngster was taken away from Caze in 2009 because there were concerns that Venant was being physically abused by her mother.

Since then she had spints in several foster homes and at one point she was passed around to 14 different homes in the span of 16 months.

The DCF claim that she displayed inappropriate sexual behaviour and she admitted she had seen pornographic videos.

5. Cleveland Facebook gunman Steve Stephens who shot dead grandad and boasted he killed 14 others after leaving church taunts cops – as manhunt widens to five states

A MANHUNT is underway for a crazed gunman who filmed himself killing a grandad before boasting about slaughtering 14 others after he left an Easter church service.

Steve Stephens, 37, taunted cops saying he would "keep killing until they catch me" after he uploaded a Facebook video of the moment he shot dead Robert Godwin Sr, 74, in Cleveland, Ohio.

The children’s mental health worker is believed to have “snapped” after the break-down of his three-year relationship with his girlfriend, Joy Lane.

Cleveland Police confirmed the fatal shooting broadcast on Facebook was real, but said there were no other victims linked to the "random" attack at 2pm on Sunday.

Cops are now widening the search to five US states as they try to catch "armed and dangerous" Stephens - who calls himself Stevie Steve on social media.

In the graphic video of the attack, Stephens can be seen approaching Mr Godwin in the street, saying: “Found me somebody I’m about to kill… this old dude.”

He then asked the elderly grandad to say his ex-girlfriend’s name to the camera, before adding: “She’s the reason this is about to happen to you.”

Stephens filmed himself pointing and shooting his gun at the man who fell to the ground, with blood pouring from his face down onto the pavement.

In a series of Facebook posts, Stephens claimed he had killed a total of 15 people in what he called an “Easter day slaughter”.

He told someone over the phone that he "just snapped" and had a lot of "built-up anger and frustration".

Stephens then goaded police, saying “I’ll keep killing until they catch me" before adding: "I shamed myself".

He left chilling Facebook rants blaming debt and the break up of his relationship as a trigger for the murder.

During the broadcast, Stephens wrote on Facebook he wouldn't stop killing until his mum and Joy Lane - believed to be his ex-partner - called him.

His mum Maggie Green told CNN her son said he was "mad with his girlfriend" when they spoke on Sunday.

She said: “That’s why he is shooting people and he won’t stop until his mother or girlfriend tell him to stop.”

Ms Green said her son told her it was going to be the "last time" they were going to see each other.

"If you see me again, it'll be a miracle," he said, according to Ms Green.

Stephens and his girlfriend had recently split after three years, according to reports.

Ms Lane has since revealed she is “safe” and “praying” for Mr Godwin’s family.

The killer's ex-girlfriend wrote on Facebook: “I am safe and with the police. I am Not okay… this is a lot.

“I can’t believe this is happening. I am very sad for everyone involved. I am praying for them and I am praying for Steve. He needs help.”

She told CBS News in a text message: “We had been in a relationship for several years. I am sorry that all of this has happened.

"My heart & prayers goes out to the family members of the victim(s). Steve really is a nice guy…he is generous with everyone he knows. He was kind and loving to me and my children. This is a very difficult time for me and my family.”

In a press conference just before 7pm local time on Sunday, Cleveland Police said they hadn't had any sightings of him since the "senseless" shooting and didn't know if he was still in the area.

Cleveland Police chief Calvin Williams urged Stephens to turn himself in, saying: "He can't keep victimising his community based on his issues."

Police have launched a huge manhunt for the killer and warned residents in Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana and Michigan to be on alert because he may have crossed state lines.

It is feared he could now be in Pennsylvania, where police in Erie told media the suspect’s mobile phone “pinged” off a tower there just before 10pm.

Police believe the shooting was a "random attack" because Stephens and Godwin did not know each other.

"From what we can tell now, it's just a random person that he picked out. We don't know why," Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams said.

6. Serena McKay, 19, ‘beaten to death by gang of schoolgirls who may have filmed themselves stomping on her head in sick Facebook Live video that remained on the site for FOUR HOURS’

A PAIR of teen schoolgirls are facing murder charges after another girl was brutally beaten to death - amid reports the killing may have been broadcast on Facebook.

Serena McKay, 19, was found dead on the Sagkeeng First Nation reserve, north-east of Winnipeg, Canada, on April 23.

Cops are currently investigating whether a video of the horrific murder may have been broadcast on a vile Facebook video that may have remained on the site for up to four hours before being removed.

Sickening footage too graphic to publish shows a bloodied teen being savagely punched and kicked as she lies helpless on the ground.

Throughout the ordeal, male and female voices can be heard taunting and hurling abuse at the victim.

At one point, a female voice says: “I don’t want to f****** see her alive.”

7. SUICIDE STREAMED ONLINE Girl, 12, streams her own suicide on social media for 20 minutes after being ‘sexually abused by a relative’ – and cops are powerless to take it down

A HORRIFIC video of a 12-year-old girl hanging herself after alleging she was abused by a relative has been streamed across the internet on social media.

The video has gone viral and is now being replayed on Facebook and other websites - and cops say they are powerless to stop it.

In the video, Katelyn Nicole Davis claims she was physically and sexually abused by a relative then lets the camera roll as she hangs herself in her back garden.

Katelyn, a student at Cedartown Middle School in Polk County, Georgia, US, broadcast it on social media on December 30 but it was later removed from her page.

It was later posted on other websites, including Facebook.

According to reports, the 20-minute video was filmed in her backyard and played out as a woman's voice was heard calling her name in the distance.

Polk County police department has been inundated with requests from people as far away as Britain to get versions being shared online taken down.

Police chief Kenny Dodd told Fox5 that he was first contacted about the video by an officer from California who saw it on the night of her death.

He said Polk County cops had contacted several sites and urged them to take it down, but they had refused.

He added: "We want it down as much as anyone for the family and it may be harmful to other kids. We contacted some of the sites.

"They asked if they had to take it down and by law they don’t. But it’s just the common decent thing to do in my opinion."

According to CoosaValleyNews, a police investigation had been launched three days prior to her death regarding accusations of sexual abuse she had made in her diary.

Detectives are now working towards gaining search warrants so they can access her phone and social media, the website reported.

An NSPCC spokesman told The Sun Online: "This video must be taken down immediately and we are pressing social media sites to get this done as soon as possible. In this instance warnings of graphic content do not go far enough.

"Every child should be safe to use the internet without seeing harmful content, and children who are contemplating self-harm or suicide should be directed towards support and help rather than graphic and distressing content.

"This video highlights the urgent need for the law to protect children from unsuitable and harmful content, including violence and self-harm, through removing or blocking content and online age verification measures."

Katelyn's suicide is not the first time horrific events have played out on live streaming services.

Earlier this month a mother-of-two collapsed and died from heart problems while she was broadcast singing on Facebook Live.

And last month a dinner party broadcast on the software took a horrific turn when it captured a banker's assistant accidentally shooting his friend.

8. Chicago torture video: 4 charged with hate crimes, kidnapping

Four suspects have been charged in connection with the attack on a special-needs teen that was streamed on Facebook Live.

Jordan Hill, 18; Tesfaye Cooper; 18; Brittany Covington, 18; and Tanishia Covington, 24, have each been charged with a hate crime, felony aggravated kidnapping, aggravated unlawful restraint and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.

Hill, Cooper and Brittany Covington also face charges of residential burglary. Hill also faces charges of possession of a stolen motor vehicle.

Video of the torture has stunned the country, not just because of the graphic abuse, but because of the comments made by some of the assailants.

"*F*ck Donald Trump!" one attacker shouted in the video. "F*ck white people!"

The teen was tied up for four or five hours, Cmdr. Kevin Duffin of the Chicago Police Department told reporters.
The victim will recover from his injuries and is at home with his parents, police said.

The teen's brother-in-law spoke briefly with reporters Thursday night.

"We're so grateful for all the prayers and efforts that led to the safe return of our brother. We're fully aware of the charges being brought against the offenders. At this time, we ask for continued prayers for all those involved, for our family's privacy as we cope and heal," David Boyd said, reading a statement.

Boyd said the teen is doing as well as can be expected. He told the media that everyone in the family has seen the video, but he didn't comment further on it.

Duffin said the department sought hate crime charges because of the victim's diminished mental capacity, the fact that the four suspects tied him up and the racial epithets heard on the video. The victim apparently is white; the suspects are African-American.

The suspects will appear in court Friday.

30 minutes of horror
Video of the attack shows the 18-year-old victim cowering in a corner of a room, tied up with his mouth bound in plastic. His eyes exude fear as his attackers get ready for their next act.

One assailant slashes his sweatshirt with a knife. The young woman streaming the abuse on Facebook Live repeatedly turns the camera back to herself.

An attacker then takes a knife to the victim's head, carving a patch off his scalp.

For the next 25 minutes, the abuse continues for the world to see. The victim is repeatedly kicked and punched, but his screams are apparently ignored.

The young woman broadcasting the attack appears dismayed that she's not getting more attention online.

"Y'all not even commenting on my s***," she tells a friend during the live stream.

Debate over 'Black Lives Matter'
Many who saw the video have blamed the Black Lives Matter movement. Within 24 hours, the hashtag #BLMKidnapping was mentioned more than 480,000 times on Twitter.

But on Thursday, police said they have not seen any connection to the Black Lives Matter activist group, contrary to some reports on social media.

Neither the Black Lives Matter national organization nor its Chicago chapter responded to CNN's request for comment Thursday.

But DeRay Mckesson, a prominent Black Lives Matter supporter, said those linking the attack to the movement don't have their facts straight.

"It goes without saying that the actions being branded by the far-right as the 'BLM Kidnapping' have nothing to do w/ the movement," he tweeted.

A former Chicago police officer, Dimitri Roberts, slammed the notion that the Black Lives Matter movement is to blame.

"This is hate. And hate doesn't have a color," Roberts said. "So for folks to talk about this is somehow connected to Black Lives Matter is absolutely the wrong way to look at this. ... And we cannot respond to hate with hate. It's just going to perpetuate the cycle."

President Barack Obama said the Facebook live torture video is "despicable," suggesting to CNN affiliate WBBM it was a hate crime.

"What we have seen as surfacing, I think, are a lot of problems that have been there a long time," said Obama, a longtime resident of Chicago. "Whether it's tensions between police and communities, hate crimes of the despicable sort that has just now recently surfaced on Facebook."

"The good news is that the next generation that's coming behind us ... have smarter, better, more thoughtful attitudes about race," Obama said.

9. STREAMING SUICIDE Facebook Live suicide video shows horrific moment musician, 33, douses himself in petrol and sets himself on fire before ‘trying to kill his ex-girlfriend inside crowded bar’

DISTURBING footage shows the moment a musician set himself on fire LIVE on Facebook before allegedly trying to burn his estranged girlfriend alive.

Jared McLemore, 33, died from severe burns after torching himself outside a packed bar in Memphis, Tennessee before running towards his former lover Alyssa Moore.

Alyssa, a self-employed sound engineer, was able to escape the clutches of twisted McLemore by holding the bar door shut as terrified revellers watched as the troubled musician tried to force his way inside.

Eyewitnesses claim McLemore said "goodbye" to Alyssa before wiping her hand on his chest to show he had doused himself in kerosene.

Facebook Live shows a heroic bystander Paul Garner run over and tackle McLemore in a valiant attempt to stop the suicide.

10. SOCIAL MEDIA HORROR Horrific moment heartbroken young man shoots himself live on Facebook after break up

A HEARTBROKEN young man shoots himself live on Facebook in this absolutely tragic footage posted on the social networking site.

The horrific video was streamed on the account of a Turkish man Erdogan Ceren earlier today.

He tells that camera he plans to commit suicide because his girlfriend has broken up with him.

Erdogan, 22, say on camera: "No one believed when I said I will kill myself - so watch this."

Sitting in his room bare-chested his first attempt at the shooting fails.

It appears the shotgun locks so he has to try again.

Unfazed he readjusts the camera and again points the weapon at the centre of his chest, clutching the camera in one hand and the gun in the other.

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