How Secure Is My Password

How Long to Hack my Password

Ever wondered just how secure your password really is? How long it would take someone to break into your email, facebook, or other sensitive materials that are online?

Find out right here. Simply start typing in your password and the form will tell you about how long it would take a brute force attack to get into your personal business.

Note. All of this is done in your browser so your password never gets sent back to our server. This helps make sure that your password is not sent over the internet and keeps it anonymous.

The calculation for the time it takes to crack your password is done by the assumption that the hacker is using a brute force attack method which is simply trying every possible combination there could be such as:


And so on.

This is the reason it's important to vary your passwords with numerical, uppercase, lowercase and special characters to make the number of possibilities much, much greater. The larger more obscure the password the greater the curve of time and processing power it will take to crack it. Try our password generator.

Also very important when talking about password security is not to use actual dictionary words. Many hacker programs start with long lists of common passwords and then move on to the whole dictionary. This is much faster than a brute force attack because there are way less options.

The Most Common Passwords
  • password
  • 123456
  • 12345678
  • abc123
  • querty
  • monkey
  • letmein
  • dragon
  • 111111
  • baseball
  • iloveyou
  • trustno1
  • 1234567
  • sunshine
  • master
  • 123123
  • welcome
  • shadow
  • ashley
  • football
  • jesus
  • michael
  • ninja
  • mustang
  • password1

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Test your password : How Secure Is My Password

I have already wrote about where find online resources to check how strong is your password.  Here the reference about these blog posts.

Test your password : Microsoft password checker

Test your password : The Password Meter

The How secure is mypassword  website  shows a different approach about how to manage safe passwords.First of all you have to generate a safe password , then analyze this password in the How secure is mypassword  website . The result will be an estimated time to crack the password.

How It Works

It's just a bit of simple maths: (number of possible characters to the power of length of the password) divided by calculations per second. Currently this site will only check against the 13 most common symbols in English:

! @ # $ % ^ , & * ? _ ~ -

Any other symbols will be ignored.

Why you can’t trust password strength meters

Passwords are a weak link in the computer security chain because they rely on us being good at something we find extremely difficult.

And while we aren’t getting any better at choosing strong passwords, password cracking hardware and software continues to improve relentlessly.

Website owners can employ a range of measures to help users choose better, stronger passwords and one of the most popular techniques is to include a password strength meter.

The meters are designed to help users understand if their password choices will resist attempts to crack them.

The trouble is, they don’t quite do that.

The Theory

The best way to determine how difficult it is to crack a password is to try doing just that.

But attempting to crack passwords requires lots of time and lots and lots of processing power, and it isn’t a practical solution for websites.

The next best option is to try to work out what characteristics passwords that are difficult to crack share, and to check for those instead.

Simple password meters check the length and entropy of the password and have checklists for the kinds of things that users are advised to include in their passwords; mixtures of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters, for example.

That helps determine a password’s ability to withstand a brute force attack (an attacker making guesses at random), but being resistant to brute force attacks is only useful if that’s what an attacker is going to do, and it probably isn’t.

A brute force attack assumes that all guesses are equally good.

The reality is that some guesses are far better than others because our password choices are not random – they’re underpinned by patterns and habits.

Modern password cracking is about making smart guesses in the order that’s most likely to yield the greatest number of cracked passwords for the least effort.

Attackers can feed their cracking software with huge repositories of real words and then create rules to modify those words in the same way we do when we create passwords.

They know that some words are used more often than others and they know about the cute tricks and bad habits we use to obfuscate them. They know that we use 0s instead of Os and 4s instead of As, and they know that we tend to put our upper case letters, special characters and numbers at the beginning and end of our passwords.

To illustrate the difference, I thought I’d run a test on the kind of password strength meters that web developers are likely to include in a website.

The Test

I chose five truly awful passwords and then tested them using the first five embeddable password strength meters I found…


I downloaded a list of the 10,000 most common passwords and quickly chose five that had characteristics I thought password strength meters might overrate:

  • abc123 – number 14 on the list, first to mix letters and numbers
  • trustno1 – number 29, second to mix letters and numbers
  • ncc1701 – number 158, registration number of the USS Enterprise
  • iloveyou! – number 8778, first with non-alphanumeric character
  • primetime21 – number 8280, longest with letters and numbers

Be in no doubt, these passwords are dreadful and offer no useful protection; they’re short and non-random, they include dictionary words, the numbers are always tacked on the end in a predictable way, and they appear in a list of words anyone can download off the internet.

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