What Is Dental Abscess?
Tooth abscess is the forming of a pouch or lump containing pus on the tooth caused by a bacterial infection. Tooth abscess usually appears on the root tip of the tooth ( periapical abscess ). Bacterial infections that cause tooth abscess generally occur in people with poor hygiene and dental hygiene. The pinneapple that collects on the lump, will gradually increase in pain. This disease can be prevented by brushing your teeth regularly or cleaning your teeth with dental floss. Should someone routinely check his teeth to the dentist to avoid the occurrence of damage and abscess teeth.
Symptoms of Dental Abscess
Some of the symptoms that are usually felt by people with dental abscess are:
- Fever .
- Sensitive to pressure while chewing or biting.
- Sensitive to hot or cold temperatures.
- Swelling of the face or cheeks.
- Severe and pulsating pain in the teeth, which can spread to the jawbone, neck, or ears.
- Lymph nodes under the jaw or in the neck swell and feel pain.
- When the lump of an abscess breaks, it suddenly smells bad from inside the mouth, and the tongue tastes rottenness, and the salty liquid appears in the mouth.
- Redness of the mouth and face.
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Causes and Factors R i Siko Dental abscess
The cause of dental abscess is the development of bacteria in the oral cavity that spread to the soft tissues and bones of face and neck. The bacteria enter the tooth pulp through the tooth cavity or crack in the patient's teeth. Inside the dental pulp itself there are several blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue.
Some of the factors that can increase a person's risk of suffering from dental abscess are:
- M will be high sugar. Eating foods and drinks with high sugar content can cause holes in teeth that can develop into tooth abscesses.
- Poor dental hygiene. People who do not perform proper dental and gum care at risk of dental problems, including dental abscesses.
Diagnosis of Dental Abscess
To diagnose patients suspected of having dental abscesses, doctors will generally perform several examination measures such as:
- Physical examination. The doctor will examine the patient's oral cavity as a whole.
- Tap the patient's teeth. Teeth with an abscess usually become sensitive to touch or pressure.
- Scanning. X-rays will help doctors identify an abscess and see if the infection has spread and caused an abscess in other parts of the body. If the abscess has spread to the neck, usually the doctor will suggest a CT scan.
Treatment and Complications of Dental Abscesses
- Creating a channel to the root of a tooth. The doctor will drill to the bottom of the tooth, remove the soft tissue that is the center of infection, and drain the abscess. This can remove infection and save the patient's teeth.
- Dry the abscess, by making a small incision on the lump of the abscess and discharge the pus from it.
- Gives antibiotics. If the infection has spread to other teeth, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to stop the spread of bacteria.
- Unplug an infected tooth. If it can not be saved, then the teeth affected by the abscess will be revoked. The doctor will then drain the abscess.
If not treated properly, people with dental abscess are at risk for some complications such as:
- The spread of infection, to other body parts such as the jaw, neck or head.
- Sepsis . Lethal infections that spread throughout the body.
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