What Is Tinea Corporis?

Tinea Corporis or ringworm is a fungal infection that can cause a reddish or silver rash on the skin. This skin disease can appear in all parts of the body, but usually appears on the arms and legs. Generally, tinea corporis is easier to spread in warm and humid climates. Tinea corporis is not a serious skin disease and easy to treat, but it is easy to spread and contagious. Some animals, such as dogs and cats, can spread tinea corporis mushrooms in humans in the event of physical contact.

Symptoms of Tinea Corporis
Symptoms of tinea corporis usually begin to appear 4-10 days after the body is exposed to fungus. Some common signs and symptoms of tinea corporis are:
  • The appearance of a reddish or silver circular rash on the skin with slightly raised edges compared to the surrounding area.
  • The middle of the ring can look like a healthy skin, but it can also cause fluid-filled wounds (blisters) or pus around the circular rash.
  • The skin feels itchy, scaly, or inflamed.

Causes of Tinea Corporis
Dermatophytes fungus is the main cause of tinea corporis. This fungus can breed on keratin tissue, is a hard and waterproof tissue on the skin, hair, or nails.

There are several ways of transmission and spread of dermatophytes fungi , namely:
  • Physical contact between humans. Often tinea corporis spreads through skin contact with the patient.
  • Human physical contact with infected animals. Tinea corporis can spread when manusa make physical contact with animals, such as dogs, cats, or cows.
  • Human physical contact with contaminated objects . Mushroom spores can stick to objects such as clothing, sheets and towels, from infected people. Spores on these objects can be attached to the skin of others and cause infection.
  • Human physical contact with soil. Although rare, humans are also at risk of infection with tinea corporis from soil containing fungal spores.
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Tinea Corporis Risk Factors
Some of the factors below may increase a person's risk of getting tinea corporis, including:

  • Blood circulation is not normal.
  • Age is still very young or very old
  • Conditions of damp residence and
  • Obesity .
  • Make physical contact with people or animals suffering from tinea corporis.
  • Weak immune systems, such as patients receiving corticosteroids and chemotherapy.
  • Wearing clothes that are too narrow or tight.
  • Have type 1 diabetes .
  • Following the sport with a high frequency of skin contact is like wrestling.
  • Never infected fungus before.
  • Share clothes, sheets, or towels with tinea corporis sufferers.
  • Have atherosclerosis .

Diagnosis of Tinea Corporis
There are two ways that doctors do to diagnose tinea corporis in patients, namely:

  • Physical examination. The doctor will examine the infected skin, as well as ask the symptoms felt by the patient.
  • Sampling and examination of skin tissue samples. The doctor will take samples of infected skin scraps to be examined under a microscope.

Tinea Corporis Treatment
To treat tinea corporis, usually patients are advised to use a cream or ointment antifungal that is sold freely. Anti-fungal creams or ointments are applied to the infected skin until they pass through the circular part (about 2 cm). If necessary, consult a physician to determine the dosage and how to use it.

Apply an antifungal cream or ointment to the infected skin of the tinea corporis for two to four weeks to prevent the fungal infection from reappearing. If after two weeks the symptoms have not improved, see your doctor immediately. The doctor will ask the patient to take an antifungal tablet.

Prevention of Tinea Corporis
There are several ways to eradicate and stop the spread of fungal infections, namely:

  • Wash clothes, towels, and sheets on a regular basis.
  • Wear loose-sized clothing.
  • Avoid scratching part of the skin infected with fungus.
  • Clean the infected skin every day and dry thoroughly.
  • Change underwear and socks every day.
  • Make sure your pet is checked regularly to the veterinarian, especially if suspected of being infected with fungus.
  • Do not share clothes or towels with others.
  • Wash hands after physical contact with animals.

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