What Is Bruxism?

Bruxism is a condition in which a person often pressing or swipe his teeth up and down or to the right and left unconsciously. Early stage bruxism does not require special treatment, but if bruxism is a habit, it can have a greater impact, such as tooth decay, headaches, jaw problems, and other problems. In many cases, bruxism occurs spontaneously when a person is concentrating, being anxious, or experiencing excessive stress. Nearly 80 percent of bruxism habits occur at night when a person is sleeping. The habits of someone menggremeracing and swiping teeth unconsciously at night (sleep bruxism) is often associated with sleep disorders.

Generally, people who have a habit of sleep bruxism also have other habits associated with sleep disorders, such as snoring or stop breathing for a moment during sleep ( sleep apnea) . Most people are unaware of this habit until complications arise. Therefore, it is important for all of us to know the causes and symptoms of bruxism in order to avoid the greater impact.

Bruxism in children

Bruxism is also common in children when they first grow teeth. Bruxism habits will recur when they begin to have permanent teeth. The habit usually stops as they enter adolescence. Just like adults, bruxism in children usually occurs due to stress, for example when going to face the school exam.

In addition to psychological factors, bruxism in children also occurs due to the influence of other diseases, such as malnutrition, allergies, pinworm disorders, and endocrine disorders. Full supervision and attention from parents to help ease bruxism in children.

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Causes of bruxism

Bruxism does not happen all the time, but occurs when someone is in a certain condition, such as when under great pressure. Until now, not yet known exactly what things are the cause of bruxism. However, there are several physical and psychological factors that can trigger the occurrence of bruxism, including:
  • Anxious, stressed, angry, frustrated, or tense.
  • An aggressive, competitive, or hyperactive personality trait.
  • Sleep disorders (eg insomnia and sleep apnea ).
  • The uneven arrangement of teeth between the top and bottom.
  • Resepon to pain due to teething or earache (this usually occurs in children).
  • Side effects of phenothiazine drugs and certain antidepressant drugs (this is rare).
  • Gastric acid rises to the esophagus ( Gastroesophageal reflux disease / GERD).
  • Unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking, consuming alcohol, or using drugs.

Symptoms of bruxism
Bruxism can have a serious impact if left alone. It is advisable to see a doctor if you or your child has any of the following symptoms:
  • Jaw pain
  • Earache
  • Headache
  • Eating disorders
  • Insomnia (insomnia)
  • Teeth become more sensitive
  • Enamel teeth wearing
  • Teeth are cracked and loose
  • Appears the indentations on the tongue
  • Issues sounds that disturb sleep
  • Difficulty opening your mouth

Diagnosis of bruxism
Diagnosis is a doctor's step to identify a disease or condition that explains the symptoms and signs experienced by the patient. Physical examination by a doctor is usually sufficient to establish a diagnosis of bruxism.

The doctor will check the condition of the teeth and jaw of the patient to see the extent of the erosion rate or damage to the teeth. The doctor will also find out what causes the problem by asking the patient about the symptoms that are felt. After all done, the doctor will provide appropriate treatment according to the patient's condition.

Treatment of bruxism

In most cases, bruxism does not require special handling. Children who experience bruxism can heal by themselves without special treatment as they grow. Adults who experience bruxism also do not require certain therapies to cure it.

However, if the problem is serious enough, someone is advised to undergo a series of treatments. This type of treatment is tailored to the patient's condition and the cause of the emergence of bruxism, including:
  • Use a mouth guard or a splint to flatten your teeth and tidy loose teeth.
  • Using crowns to improve the makeup and tooth surfaces, and prevent tooth wear.
  • Doing meditation therapy (if bruxism is caused by stress), behavioral therapy (to reduce bruxism), and biofeedback therapy (to control jaw muscle activity).
  • Take muscle relaxant drugs (before bed) and inject botox (if other handling has no effect).
  • Self-medication by compressing the sore part and doing the massage in the aching muscles.

Prevention of bruxism
There are several steps that can be taken to prevent bruxism, including:
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Avoid drinks that contain lots of caffeine such as coffee and chocolate.
  • Avoid soft drinks.
  • Keep away from the habit of biting a pencil or pen.
  • Reduce the eating habits of chewing gum.
  • Bring your jaw before bed by putting a warm towel on the cheeks and ears every day.
  • Practice to reduce bruxism by clamping the tip of the tongue between the upper teeth and the lower teeth.
  • If bruxism is related to sleep disorders, start improving sleep patterns daily.
  • Perform regular dental checkups if feeling symptoms of bruxism.

Complications of bruxism
In some cases, chronic bruxism can lead to new problems such as teeth breaking, becoming loose, even untouched. In addition there are several other complications that may occur, including:
  • Disturbance to the ear
  • Impaired jaw
  • Teeth become cracked, loose, even to be dislodged
  • Arthritis temporomandibular
  • Pain at some point on the face.
  • The face shape changes.

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