What Is Salivary Gland Stones?

Salivary glands or Sialothiasys Stones are chemical hardening or calcification in salivary glands that are stone-shaped and inhibit salive flow into the mouth. Stone-shaped obstacles are mostly composed of calcium with varying sizes. Some are less than 1 milimeter, and some reach several centimeters.

Salivary gland stones usually occur in the submandibular salivary glands located in the lower jaw. This condition is rarely found in both other saliva-producing glands, the sublingual saliva glands that are located under the tongue, and the parotid glands that are on the cheek. Blockage causes the salivary glands to become swollen and painful.

Salivary glands can be experienced by anyone, although most sufferers are men aged 30-60 years. Generally a salivary gland stone occurs once in a lifetime. But for some patients, this condition can be repeated so that surgery is required to remove the salivary glands.

Symptoms of Salivary Gland Stone
New salivary glands cause symptoms if the size is large enough. Symptoms include:
  • Pain in the salivary glands. This pain comes occasionally if inhibition is only part of the channel. The pain will increase as the salivary gland is completely inhibited, especially when it starts eating food, then eases an hour or two after eating.
  • Swollen salivary glands, characterized by swollen mouth, face, or neck.
  • Dry mouth .
  • Difficult to swallow or open mouth.
  • Infection of salivary glands shown with symptoms of fever, red infection area, mouth feels bad, and abscess (pus).
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Causes of Salivary Gland Stones
The main cause of salivary gland stone is not known for certain. However, a number of factors related to changes in salivary flow from the gland are thought to be causing this condition.

Some of these factors include:
  • Consumption of drugs that may decrease the production of saliva, such as high blood pressure medications or antihistamines.
  • Less food. This results in a decrease in saliva flow.
  • Dehydration . This condition can make the saliva become more viscous.
  • Injury to the salivary glands.

Diagnosis of Salivary Gland Stone
The diagnosis of salivary gland stones begins with a physical examination, especially in areas around the salivary glands that appear to swell. To make the diagnosis, can be examined with X-rays, to detect the presence of stones in the salivary glands. Can also be done sialografi, namely examination of X-rays by first injecting contrast fluid in the saliva channel. If more detailed images are needed, the doctor will recommend a scan with a CT scan, MRI or ultrasound. Another examination that can also be suggested is sialendoscopy. This method of examination is done by inserting the endoscope, which is a thin hose-shaped device equipped with a camera and a small lamp, through the saliva channel.

Treatment of Salivary Gland Stone
The main purpose of handling salivary glands is to remove clogging stones. Handling can be done through:
  • Simple technique. The goal of this treatment is to increase the production of saliva and force the rock out of the saliva channel spontaneously. The trick is to drink a lot, suck sour or orange candy, and use hot compresses. If the stone is small, the doctor can massage the area where the rock is located and push it out.
  • Special procedures. In addition to diagnosis, sialendoscopy can also be used to remove salivary gland stones. This action is called therapeutic sialendoskopi. In this procedure, the patient will be given local anesthesia first before the endoscope is inserted through the saliva channel to reach out and remove the stone in the salivary glands. If the size of the stone is large enough, then the stone needs to be solved first with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), using vibrations from sound waves. In addition to the two procedures, the doctor may recommend surgery if necessary, by making a small incision around the mouth to remove the salivary gland stone. But the way it is currently rarely done. In people who often experience salivary glands of the saliva repeatedly, it is necessary surgery removal of salivary glands. People who undergo this procedure need not worry because other salivary glands can still produce saliva adequately.
  • Giving medicine . The purpose of drug administration is to reduce pain and relieve symptoms. In addition, antibiotics can also be given if the salivary gland stone leads to infection.
In most cases, treatment of salivary glands provides good results, without causing significant complications.

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