What Is Torsio Testis?

Torsio Testis is a condition when the spermatic funikulus twisted due to the rotation of the testicles resulting in the blood supply to the scrotum ( sac scocked ) obstructed. The spermatic funikulus is a strand of fibers and tissue like a rope derived from the lower abdomen to the testes in men. This string consists of blood vessels that carry the blood supply to and from the testes. Funikulus spermatikus also serves to bring sperm from the testes to the penis.

Symptoms of Torsio Testis
Torsio testis can be experienced by males at any age, but most cases occur among the age of 12-16 years. In rare cases, testicular torsion may be experienced by the baby boy who is still in the womb.
Patients with testicular torsion may experience symptoms as follows:
  • Swelling and severe pain in the scrotum
  • Pain during urination
  • Abnormally elevated testicular position
  • Dizzy
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Gag
  • Blood on semen
If the rotation of the testes occurs quite frequently, then the entire bloodstream is at risk of blockage and may lead to organ damage.

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The cause of Torsio Testis
The exact cause of testicular rotation in the scrotum in the case of testicular torsion remains unknown. However, there are a number of factors that can increase a man's risk of developing this condition, including:
  • Aged between 12-16 years.
  • Have a elderly or close family diseased torque testis.
  • Have a history of testicular torsio (previously exposed to this condition).
  • Has a weak connective tissue in the scrotum (this tissue serves to support the testes).
  • Injury to the vital tool area (eg due to accident or during exercise)

Diagnosis of Torsio Testis
The doctor can recognize the testicular torque through the swelling that occurs in the scrotum. In addition, the doctor may also test the testicle reflex by pinching the inner thighs. If the testis does not contract, then the strong suspicion that the patient has a testicular torsio.
But to further strengthen the diagnosis, doctors can perform further examination. One of the most common examination methods performed in the case of testicular torque is ultrasound to see the smooth flow of blood flow to the testes. In addition to ultrasound, sometimes the urine examination done by the doctor to see the infection.

Treatment of Torsio Testis
The faster the testicular torque is diagnosed and handled, the greater the probability of the testis to still function. The doctor will repair the spermaticus funikulus that is twisted through surgery.
If the testis torsio is late diagnosed and handled (eg because the patient is lazy to check his condition to the doctor or underestimate the perceived symptoms) then the risk of damage to the testis is greater. This damage can later reduce the function of the testes (one of which is the production of sperm).

If the damage is severe or has become permanent, then the patient is forced to undergo surgical removal of the testes.

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