What Is Numulatory Dermatitis?

Numularis Dermatitis or Nummular Dermatitis is a disease of the skin characterized by pain in the skin. This painful area of the skin is often coin or oval that appears after damage to the surface of the skin. For example due to burns, friction or insect bites. Spots that feel sore from Numularis Dermatitis can persist for 1 week to 1 Month. Nummular Dermatitis is also known by other terms, namely eczema numularis or discoid eczema.

Numulatory dermatitis is more common in men than in women. Numulatory dermatitis in men often appears first at the age of 55-60 years. Whereas in women, this condition first appears at a younger age, namely when adolescents or adults.

Symptoms of Numulatory Dermatitis
Symptoms of numulatory dermatitis are often characterized by the appearance of reddish spots on the skin that are small, but many and clustered. These spots sometimes emit fluid and can collect, then enlarge to form like a coin. Yellow spots indicate infection with Staphylococcus aureus in areas with dermatitis. This condition can be overcome by using antibiotics. The skin between the spots of the dermatitis will remain clean even though it is easily irritated. Other symptoms that can be observed in patches of numulatory dermatitis are:

  • The size of the dermatitis varies from 2 cm to 10 cm.
  • It often appears on the feet, but can also occur on the body, hands, arms and soles of the feet.
  • Colors can vary from red, pink or brown.
  • Itching and mild to severe burning. Itching often appears and gets worse at night, and can interfere with the quality of sleep sufferers.
  • The skin that has dermatitis then secretes fluid that can turn hard and scaly.
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Numulatory dermatitis
Until now, the exact cause of Numularis dermatitis has not been known specifically. Some studies show a link between the emergence of numulatory dermatitis in someone with sensitivity to several chemical compounds, including:
  • Metals, including rare and toxic metals (eg nickel and mercury).
  • Formaldehyde.
  • Drugs, such as neomycin or other antibiotics used in the skin.
Some factors that increase a person's risk of developing numularis dermatitis are:
  • Very dry skin ( xerosis ) .
  • Have or have a history of atopic dermatitis or stasis dermatitis.
  • Poor blood flow and swelling in the legs.
  • Injuries to the skin due to insect bites, chemical compounds or physical friction.
  • Skin infections by bacteria.
  • Taking drugs that can increase skin problems, such as isotretinoin and interferon.
  • Live in a dry or cold area.
In addition, the following factors can also contribute to the appearance of nasal dermatitis in a person, namely:
  • Temperature change.
  • Stressful.
  • Dry skin.
  • Irritants from the environment, such as soap, chemical compounds, etc.

Diagnosis of Numulatory Dermatitis
Numulatory dermatitis can be easily identified through checking the skin with dermatitis. The doctor can also do an allergy test to check if the patient's skin has an allergy that triggers dermatitis. Some diagnostic methods that can help diagnose numulatory dermatitis are:
  • Swabbing and bacterial culture. Swabbing is done by taking exudate fluid that comes out from the part of the skin that has numularis dermatitis. This method aims to detect whether there is a bacterial infection in the area of ​​dermatitis. The bacteria that generally appear in the area of ​​dermatitis include Staphylococcus aureus , Helicobacter pylori , and Giardia spp. Especially if the patient has a history of infection with these pathogens.
  • Skin biopsy. Skin biopsy is done by taking skin tissue in the part that is inflamed, then observed using a microscope. Skin biopsy can distinguish microscopic numularis dermatitis from other diseases, such as tinea corporis, psoriasis , and T-cell lymphoma.

Treatment of Numulatory Dermatitis
Dry and damaged skin due to numularis dermatitis is quite difficult to treat. Therefore, intensive consultation with the dermatologist is needed so that numularis dermatitis can be cured to the maximum. The steps of treatment and care that can be done to treat Numularis dermatitis are:
  • Protect skin. Skin that has numularis dermatitis can be more damaged if it is physically injured, such as rubbing, slicing, cutting, and so on. Some steps that can be taken to protect the skin affected by numularis dermatitis are:
    • Avoid physical disorders of the skin from the outside, such as friction, incision, and slices.
    • Avoid using clothes that can trigger allergic reactions, such as wool.
    • Avoid skin from dangerous chemical compounds, such as floor cleaners, soap with a hard chemical content for the skin, clothing softener, and others.
    • Avoid skin from being exposed to hot water.
    • Use moist bandages in the area affected by dermatitis.
  • Maintain skin moisture. After finishing bathing with warm water, wipe the skin moisturizer on the part that has inflammation. This method will help reduce itching and prevent scaly skin. Even so, you should first consult this method with a dermatologist.
  • Take special medicines for numularis dermatitis. Some types of drugs that can be given to people with numularis dermatitis are:
    • Corticosteroids. This medication can help relieve numulatory dermatitis by reducing inflammatory reactions. There are two ways to use corticosteroids to treat numulatory dermatitis, namely oral (swallowed) and topical (applied directly to the skin. Some examples of this type of drug are topical triamcinolone , prednisone, and clobetasol.
    • Immune system modulator. Just like corticosteroids, immune system modulator class also functions to help inflammatory reactions by regulating white blood cell activity. Some types of corticosteroids that can be used are topical pimecrolimus and tacrolimus
    • Antihistamines . This drug is used to relieve allergic responses and also helps sufferers of numularis dermatitis to sleep better. Keep in mind that the use of antihistamines will cause drowsiness, including nonsedative antihistamines. An example of this type of drug is hydroxyzine.
    • Antibiotics . This drug is used in patients with dermatitis that has been accompanied by a bacterial infection. Some types of antibiotics used for numularis dermatitis are sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim , dicloxacillin, erythromycin, and cephalexin .

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