MMA Fighter Jake Shields on How He Saved a Man in Berkeley From Antifa Rioters

Professional MMA fighter and UFC Veteran, Jake Shields, was forced to rescue a civilian who was being severely beaten by “anti-fascist” rioters in Berkeley, California, on Wednesday, after police officers allegedly refused to intervene.
Realizing that law enforcement officers were not going to help the man who was being cornered and violently attacked, Shields took the moment into his own hands, and fought off the mob of rioters while he helped the injured and bloodied man to safety.

“The show got cancelled so I was kind of checking things out,” said Shields in an interview with Breitbart Tech. “Obviously it was a rough crowd, so I didn’t want to walk in the middle of it, and all of a sudden I see this guy running out completely covered in blood and these guys were chasing him with sticks, trying to circle him.”

“Mobs of people. Nobody helped, but people were yelling ‘get up, get up.’ Like fifteen people were trying to attack him and others were cheering them on,” he continued. “No one helped, no one had the balls to step in, so my reaction was to run in and start picking people off.”

“They came in trying to fight back, and I started backing off, but I helped grab the guy and shove him into a store,” Shields explained. “I got a few punches, I was probably hit like ten times, but I don’t have a single mark on me. They were like, ‘he’s a Nazi too!’ but this other guy was like, ‘I don’t think he’s a Nazi,’ while I was still fighting people off. I was like, do you just get to choose who’s a Nazi and who’s not?”

The riot started at UC Berkeley on Wednesday after protesters against Breitbart Senior Editor MILO started to become increasingly violent outside of his show.

“Anti-fascists” started several fires, smashed windows and ATMs, looted downtown stores, attacked cars, and assaulted dozens of MILO fans, who they falsely accused of being “Nazis,” however only one suspect was arrested.

“I asked them ‘what did he say that made this guy a Nazi?’ and nobody knew,” said Shields. “They were like ‘oh, he said some racist stuff,’ and I asked, ‘what racist stuff did he say?’ and no one knew. They were just mindless… It was really insane.”

“More chaos started happening, so I went up to the police and tried bringing them back, but they were just like ‘we’re not really going over there. You should just stay away.'” he concluded. “I don’t know if they were taking orders from someone or if they were just being lazy. I don’t know what the situation was, but it was pathetic to watch. Our police, who are supposed to defend the citizens of Berkeley. It’s a sad scene that they would allow that.”

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