Kristi Yamaguchi tweeted 'break a leg' to Nancy Kerrigan on 'DWTS'

Insert skate in mouth.

Former Olympian and “Dancing with the Stars” champion Kristi Yamaguchi tweeted well wishes to to Nancy Kerrigan — a fellow ice skater who is now strutting her stuff in the dancing competition — but received backlash for her word choice.

“Can’t wait to see you grace that ballroom floor, break a leg!” Yamaguchi, 45, recently tweeted to Kerrigan.

Her good intentions got low scores with the Twitterverse, as her post was immediately associated with the infamous 1993 incident when Kerrigan’s skating rival Tonya Harding schemed with her then-husband to club Kerrigan in the back of the knee.

“That may or may not have been a good choice of words,” tweeted one user.

Another suggested she delete the post entirely: “Whyyy, whyyy, whyyy hasn’t this tweet been deleted…are you that naive?”

But Kerrigan, 47, took the message graciously by responding, “Thank you so much Kristi! I’m excited to get this started!” Kerrigan thanked the 2008 “DWTS” champ for “the advice” in a follow-up tweet. “It is definitely helping!” Kerrigan wrote.

Nancy Kerrigan competes on Season 24 of "Dancing with the Stars." (ABC)

Kristi Yamaguchi Meant No Harm By that 'Break a Leg' Tweet to Nancy Kerrigan

On Monday, Kristi Yamaguchi sent a tweet wishing her dear friend Nancy Kerrigan good luck on her upcoming debut on that TV show with the celebrities and the dancing. “Break a leg!” it said. Interesting word choice, given Nancy Kerrigan’s history, but it’s all good. Kristi didn’t mean any harm!

Those who read the tweet and then thought about said tweet for oh, thirty seconds or so, quickly deduced that this might indeed by “shade,” per TMZ. Telling Nancy Kerrigan to “break a leg” when she was clubbed in the goddamned leg by a man named Shane Stant at the behest of one Jeff Gilooly before the 1994 Olympics seems in poor taste at the minimum. But, Kristi’s reps say that she meant no harm.

They’ve been friends since they were 15, per Kristi’s people, and they even hopped on the phone to share a giggle about the controversy which turned out to be nothing at all.

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