9 Crazy Trump Supporter Boycotts

1. Hawaii Has Most Chill Response To Trump Supporters Who Want To Boycott State

On Wednesday, a federal judge in Hawaii blocked President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban, which targeted six predominately Muslim countries, before it could go into effect.

The first travel ban had already ran into massive legal obstacles, and it now appears the revised version will face similar hurdles.

In short, Trump’s rocky relationship with the judiciary continues, and the fate of his travel ban is once again up in the air.

U.S. District Judge Derrick K. Watson wrote a 43-page opinion on this, part of which stated,

The illogic of the Government’s contentions is palpable.

The notion that one can demonstrate animus toward any group of people only by targeting all of them at once is fundamentally flawed.
Simply put, the judge felt there is clear evidence the president’s travel ban intentionally discriminates against Muslims.

A lot of Trump supporters, unsurprisingly, are not happy about this, and say they’re going to #BoycottHawaii.

2. Trump supporters vow to boycott Starbucks over CEO's plan to hire refugees

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Starbucks is once again feeling the heat from supporters of President Donald Trump in the wake of CEO Howard Schultz's announcement to hire thousands of refugees and displaced immigrants.

On Sunday, Schultz responded to President Trump’s temporary travel ban and suspension of America’s refugee program by vowing to hire 10,000 refugees over the next five years.

“There are more than 65 million citizens of the world recognized as refugees by the United Nations, and we are developing plans to hire 10,000 of them over five years in the 75 countries around the world where Starbucks does business,” the Starbucks chairman wrote in an open letter.

Schultz's plan to hire refugees is not without its critics, however, and many of them have already declared their intentions to boycott the coffee chain:

In the wake of Schultz’s announcement, Chobani CEO Hamdi Ulukaya and Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent have also expressed similar disappointment in the president’s executive order, though neither has announced any specific plans to hire refugees in direct response.

“America has always been a symbol of hope, tolerance and diversity — and these are values we must work very hard to uphold,” Ulukaya reportedly wrote to Chobani employees in an inter-office memo.

Meanwhile, Muhtar released a statement to Bloomberg in which he stated, “Coca-Cola Co. is resolute in its commitment to diversity, fairness and inclusion, and we do not support this travel ban or any policy that is contrary to our core values and beliefs.”

This isn't the first time Starbucks has drawn the ire of Trump supporters. Last year, fans of the then-president elect took to Starbucks, asking baristas to write “Trump” on their cups in a movement known as #TrumpCup. Some customers claimed to have been refused a #TrumpCup and accused the chain of suppressing their right to political expression.

3. Marred Wars

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While writers for the film "Star Wars: Rogue One" posted tweets about Donald Trump, claims that the movie was altered to add an anti-Trump scene were unfounded.

On 8 December 2016, the hashtag #DumpStarWars was widely circulated on social media. While this hashtag trended for a number of reasons, at least one false claim — that an anti-Trump scene was added to the film “Star Wars: Rogue One” — was associated with the boycott.

Posobiec either pulled this rumor out of thin air, or misinterpreted two unconnected events: scheduled reshoots on the film and “controversial” tweets from two of the film’s writers.
“Star Wars: Rogue One” did undergo some reshoots not long before its official release. This is common for a major studio film, and had nothing to do with politics. Director Gareth Edwards explained the reason in an interview with the Los Angeles Times:

We’d always planned to do a pickup shoot but we needed a lot of time to figure out all this material and get the best out of it. So that pushed the entire schedule in a big way. Then Disney saw the film and reacted really well and they said, “Whatever you need, we’re going to support you.” Our visual-effects shot count went from 600 to nearly 1,700, so suddenly we could do absolutely anything we wanted. To design 1,000 visual effects shots should take a year, so it was all hands to the pump and we never came up for air really until about a week ago.

It would be beautiful if you write a story, you shoot exactly that, you edit it and it’s a hit. But art — or good art — doesn’t work like that. It’s a process, and you experiment and react and improve. And if I make more films, which I hope to, I want to make them like that as well, where it’s organic and it’s not predetermined.

Writers for the film also upset members of the “alt-right” when they said that the Empire was a “white supremacist organization”  that was “opposed by a multicultural group led by brave women.”

4. People Are Cancelling Their Subscriptions To Boycott Netflix’s ‘Dear White People’

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Yesterday, Netflix released several teaser trailers for its future projects. However, one upcoming series captured a subsection of the internet’s wrath like no other. After seeing Dear White People’s date announcement video, users are posting photos of themselves deleting their Netflix accounts and others are threatening to cancel.

Netflix’s Dear White People is the series continuation of the 2014 movie of the same name. The satirical franchise focuses on what happens when Sam White, activist and host of the biting radio show Dear White People, is unexpectedly elected as head of a traditionally black residence hall. What follows is a campus-wide culture war that leaves many of the movie’s protagonists scrambling to figure out their identity, especially with graduation in sight. The movie was met with wide critical acclaim and won several minor awards during its run. However, the film never received this level of attention when it was in theaters.

Users who are criticizing Netflix have called the teaser trailer “racist.” The trailer features the fearless Sam lecturing white people about when type of Halloween costumes are and are not acceptable. She ends the bit by saying “Top of the list of unacceptable costumes: Me.” According to the Daily Mail, one user expressed their outrage in the video’s YouTube comments section, saying: “I am utterly repulsed that a company that would air a program that judges me simply based on my skin color. I have never judged anyone in such a way and I hoped no one would judge me in this way either … A truly sad day in America. I hope that Netflix will come to it’s senses.”

Dear White People’s director, Justin Simien, has confronted this type of reaction before. ‘The truth is, my film isn’t about “white racism” or racism at all,” he said in an interview with The Blaze around the time of the movie’s release. “My film is about identity.”

“Dear White People” was trending throughout the night on Twitter, and the hashtag #BoycottNetflix got some response. The Reddit subthread r/The_Donald has also posted about the series. Based on several threads on the sub, it’s clear that members of this subreddit have been keeping tabs on Dear White People‘s downvotes, which are now at over 90,000. Gizmodo has covered the reach and goals of this branch of Reddit in detail before.

The funny part about all this is that is Sam, the host of the fictional show “Dear White People,” knew of the outrage the series was eliciting, she would be elated. Netflix has yet to comment about the online response to the trailer.

5. The attempt to boycott Budweiser over their Super Bowl is a silly, stupid mess

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In the Trump era, even a beer commercial can have political consequences, intentional or not, and spark boycotts such as the one facing the makers of Budweiser after their pro-immigrant Super Bowl ad.

Specifically, people are mad at Anheuser-Busch for creating and airing an ad that depicts the path taken by Adolphus Busch, the German-born co-founder of the mega-brewery, upon his immigration to the United States in the early 1850s.

The ad, which aired during the Super Bowl but debuted on YouTube on Jan. 31, depicts the cold welcome Busch received upon his arrival to the U.S., with one man growling at the young Busch, "You're not welcome here."

Following the introduction of a controversial Muslim ban by President Donald Trump, many viewers and critics of the president projected current day politics onto the ad. It didn't take long after the release of the ad on YouTube in late January for the hashtag #boycottbudweiser picked up steam. It then simmered on Twitter until the ad slot during the Super Bowl on Sunday evening kicked it into overdrive.

As the hashtag started to grow, the company denied the ad had anything to do with Trump's immigration stance and also noted the ad shows Busch entering the country legally. "It's an idea we've been developing along with our creative agency for nearly a year," a spokesperson told the Washington Post on Feb. 1.

Budweiser's vice president of marketing, Ricardo Marques, told Adweek on Jan. 29, it's not intended to be a response to Trump's actions, despite what people on Twitter might believe.

“There’s really no correlation with anything else that’s happening in the country,” he told the magazine. “We believe this is a universal story that is very relevant today because probably more than any other period in history today the world pulls you in different directions, and it’s never been harder to stick to your guns."

These public comments by Anheuser-Busch did nothing to stop the backlash on Super Bowl Sunday. Following the ad slot, #boycottbudweiser and a misspelled version of the hashtag, #boycottbudwiser, began trending across the U.S.

On Monday morning, #boycottbudwiser was still hanging out on Twitter's top trending list, which did nothing to help the campaign's legitimacy. The misspelled hashtag made its way to this coveted spot thanks to people continuing to use it genuinely and by the hordes of people mocking it. Some supporters of the hashtag even went as far as accusing Twitter of nefarious shenanigans, claiming the company changed the spelling of the hashtag in the dead of night. Okay, then.

Even if we ignore the trending typo, it is unclear the objective of the boycott tweets. When we look at previous examples of similar campaigns, Twitter users calling for a boycott of one of the largest beverage companies in the world is not likely to have a huge effect. For example the 2016 boycott of a Star Wars movie, in which angry Twitter users falsely claimed there were anti-Trump lines in the film, did little to hurt the film. While, the proposed boycott of smash hit musical Hamilton after the Broadway cast read a post-performance open letter to then-VP-elect Mike Pence had the same impact on the bottom line: zilch.

The boycotters also missed the larger historical context of the Budweiser ad, too. In the 1850s, long before Trump was worried about "bad hombres," Americans were worried about immigrants from China on the West Coast and European immigrants on the East Coast (and the brewing Civil War).

The whole movement even led to the bright-but-brief existence of an entire political party, the Know-Nothing Party, dedicated to an anti-immigrant platform.

Not that it matters: if you can't spell the name of one of the country's most popular beers, you're not going to understand historical context.

6. Women Boycott Nordstrom After Retailer's Decision to Drop Ivanka's Line

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A group of women from Arizona canceled their Nordstrom accounts after the retailer recently dropped Ivanka Trump's fashion line.

In a Facebook video that went viral, five women are seen going into a Nordstrom location to close out their accounts.

The women, all supporters of President Donald Trump, were guests Saturday morning on "Fox & Friends Weekend."

Amanda Lawler, who organized the boycott, said Nordstrom dropping Ivanka was the final straw in a series of anti-Trump incidents including designers refusing to dress First Lady Melania Trump and verbal attacks targeting Barron Trump, the president's 10-year-old son.

"When Nordstrom's decided to jump on the bandwagon, we decided we wanted to make a peaceful stance," she said.

Nordstrom said dropping Ivanka's line was based on declining sales and was not a political decision. However, Jeanne Guthrie is not buying that, saying the department store caved to liberal pressure.

"I don't want my shopping experience to be about politics," she said. "I want it to be about just shopping."

7. Trump Supporters Urged McDonald’s Boycott After Tweet Called President ‘Disgusting’

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(WWJ) Supporters of President Donald Trump are pressing for a boycott of McDonald’s after the fast food giant’s official account Tweeted that the president is “disgusting” and “has small hands.”

The Tweet was quickly deleted, but the screen shots remained. And they incited supporters of the president.

At first mum, McDonald’s later said their account was compromised and the company was investigating.

McDonald’s has been in the epicenter of the several national political trends recently, including the demand for higher fast food wages. Protesters have attempted to disrupt the company’s annual meeting and marched at fast food locations throughout the country, demanding a raise to $15 an hour. Sometimes, they’ve even shut down local McDonalds with raucous protests that brought arrests.

And many McDonald’s restaurants shut down Feb. 16 on “a day without immigrants,” though it was unclear if it was a company stance on behalf of immigrants or a move forced by lack of workers at many locations.

The day without immigrants protest was in response to Trump’s immigration agenda, including a promised wall along the Mexican border and an attempted travel ban on citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries.

The voices urging people to boycott McDonald’s on Thursday were strong on Twitter, but the Tweet also had some support from people who tied the unhealthy fast food menu to the habits and tastes of Trump voters.

8. A Dig at Trump? Super Bowl Ad Warns of ‘4 Years of Awful Hair’

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Did a hair product company just deliver the ultimate dig to President Donald Trump?

In It’s a 10‘s Super Bowl commercial featuring a montage of people with unique hairstyles, the narrator begins by saying: “America, we’re in for four years of awful hair. So it’s up to you to do your part by making up for it with great hair.” The ad then shows a variety of people and their hairstyles, as the narrator implores each of them to do their part in a fight for “good hair.”

President Trump, who reportedly takes a prostate-related drug intended to stimulate hair growth and has been widely mocked for his hair, took office of Jan. 20 for his four-year term as president.

The 30-second spot ends with another envelope-pushing statement: “Let’s make sure these next four years are ‘It’s 10 years.’ Do your part.”

9. 84 Lumber CEO: Super Bowl ad showing Trump’s wall wasn’t intended to be political

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One of the most controversial and polarizing ads made to air during the Super Bowl wasn’t meant to be controversial or polarizing at all, according to the company’s CEO.

The ad, which aired in full only on the company’s website after it was deemed too politically charged by Fox, inspired both cheers and jeers on social media due to its depiction of a mammoth border wall not unlike the one President Trump has proposed.

“The intent of the Super Bowl commercial … was to show that 84 Lumber is a company of opportunity,” the company’s CEO Maggie Hardy Magerko said in a statement provided to The Post about the ad that depicts a Mexican mother and daughter embarking on a journey to cross into the United States.

Trump supporters largely got a negative impression from the ad, with some threatening to boycott the family-owned business that sells lumber and other building materials. Others applauded what they saw as a critique of the wall, as well as Trump’s overall crackdown on immigration in light of his recent executive order calling for a temporary ban.

Hardy Magerko, meanwhile, told People magazine week that she supports Trump and believes his border wall “is a need,” but she clarified to The Post that “if the President wants to build a wall, then we want to make sure there is a door in that wall — a door that’s open to those who choose to enter to our country legally.”

Hardy Magerko’s opinions regarding the wall and immigration policy, however, were a non-factor in creating the ad, the CEO said.

“[The ad] isn’t about my beliefs, who I voted for, or the wall,” the 51-year-old said. “It’s about highlighting the characteristics of a person that will go to great lengths for a new opportunity.”

“The journey of the mother and daughter was a demonstration of the human spirit — grit, determination and hard work,” she continued. “These characteristics represent what makes 84 Lumber and our country great. We want people that embody those characteristics, no matter where you’re from. If that’s you, our door is open.”

That supposed apolitical intent of the ad, however, didn’t appear to resonate fully with the network that aired the Super Bowl on Sunday. When the company submitted the spot it made with Pittsburgh’s Brunner ad agency last month, Fox rejected it.

“Fox would not let us air ‘the wall,’ ” Bruner’s chief client officer Rob Schapiro told The Post last week.

“Of course we were disappointed,” added Amy Smiley, 84 Lumber’s director of marketing. “But ultimately, it’s their network and their decision.”

Smiley said Fox expressed “concerns about some of the elements” in the initial spot and so when the network ultimately rejected the ad, she “understood their reasons.”

“…[T]he conversation in the media exploded around this topic, and it evolved into something controversial that made Fox a little too uncomfortable,” she said.

Fox did not return The Post’s request to comment.

Ultimately, 84 Lumber and Brunner came up with an edit that Fox finally approved and aired on Sunday.

Called “The Journey Begins, the edited ad still begins with a Mexican woman and her daughter readying to travel to the United States, but gone is the wall. Instead, the ad ends with the pair holding hands while “See the conclusion at Journey84” appears across the screen.

So many people wanted to see the conclusion of the spot that 84 Lumber’s website crashed. Those who were able to see the site, though, were able to watch the full six-minute spot that shows the controversial border wall.

“We all felt too strongly about the message to leave it on the editing room floor,” Smiley said, referring to the message of opportunity.

While pushing a political viewpoint may not have been the ad’s intent, it certainly didn’t shy away from the discussion.

“Ignoring the border wall and the conversation around immigration that’s taking place in the media and at every kitchen table in America just didn’t seem right,” Schapiro said. “If everyone else is trying to avoid controversy, isn’t that the time when brands should take a stand for what they believe in?”

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