7 Unconventional Yet Popular Tattoo Artists

1. Man born without Arms Becomes Professional Tattoo Artist

Brian Tagalog was born without arms. Despite that limitation, he became a professional tattoo artist. His shop, which he calls Tattoos by Foot, is located in Tucson, Arizona. It's an appropriate name because he does everything with his feet: gloving up, lining up stencils, loading his tattoo needle, and inking perfect designs on his clients.

2. The tattoo artist who lost an arm and now uses a prosthetic to ink his clients

JC Sheitan Tenet lost his arm when he was just a child. You'd think his dream of being a tattoo artist was dead—and you'd be wrong. Since he was right-handed, he not only had to learn how to perform tasks with one hand but with his non-dominant hand. JC didn't allow the setback to stop him from pursuing a life as an artist. He taught himself how to draw and then progressed to tattooing. In 2016, he acquired a badass prosthetic arm that doubles as a tattoo machine. JC partnered with Gonzal (Jean-Louis Gonzalez), a fellow artist and engineer, to make the first prototype.

3. Would You Let This 12-Year-Old Tattoo Artist Ink You?

At an age when most kids keep their hands busy with video game controllers, smartphones or tablets, 12-year-old Ezrah Dormon, from Panama City, is already a popular tattoo artist. Despite his young age, people are lining up to have him ink a permanent tattoo into their skin.

Tattoo parlors are usually off-limits to kids, but walk into the Honolulu tattoo shop in Panama City, and you may see a cute long-haired kid painstakingly working on a client’s tattoo or honing his inking skills on a grapefruit. His name is Ezrah, and he is already one of the most in-demand artists in Panama. I don’t know what it is about getting tattooed by an inexperienced child, but people are reportedly lining up to have him work his magic on them. They’ve all been pleased with his work, too.

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4. The World's Oldest Tattoo Artist Is up for a National Award

At 97-years-old, Whang-od Oggay is about to receive a National Treasures Award from the Philippines government for her tremendous and historic work in the tattoo community. She is the oldest, and considered to be the last, practitioner of the "batok" style of tattooing. Because of this recognition and widespread acclaim, Whang-od's hometown of Buscalan is now a popular tourist destination for those who wish to receive some historically significant body art.

Whang-od's technique for tattooing people dates back over a thousand years before her time, and is relatively painful compared to the more modern ways of tattooing. The batok style uses ink composed of charcoal and water, and is tapped into the skin via the thorn end of a pomelo or calamansi tree. Whang-od started tattooing the Butbut Kalinga people over 80 years ago. She used to tattoo headhunters, but as modern life progresses, warriors of the Kalinga people are less and less frequent, so Whang-od has taken to tattooing tourists for pay.

5. The tattoo artist who specializes in ugly tattoos

26-year-old Helena Fernandes likes to draw, but she is not particularly good at it. But did that small detail stop her from opening a tattoo shop? Of course not! If anything, her poor drawing skills contributed to her success.

Helen did her first tattoo about a year ago when she inked her boyfriend for fun. Apparently, their friends found her work appealing, because it was natural and different, and some of them asked her to work her magic on them as well. She started working as a professional tattoo artist just a few months ago, inking people at a studio she set up at her home. The vast majority of her clients sought her out specifically for her unique style. She just draws things on a piece of paper, and regardless of how they turn out, then inks them onto the client's skin. There are no retries or no touch-ups—just childish doodling that becomes a permanent tattoo.

6. Famous Tattoo Artist Offers To Ink People For FREE If They Agree To Put Their Arms In A Hole For A Surprise

Scott Campbell, a well-known tattoo artist based in the Williamsburg part of Brooklyn, New York, has created the ultimate test of trust in his work: he offers free tattoos to people as long as he gets to choose the design and not show it to them until it’s done. The name of his project, playing on everyone’s favorite truck-stop delight, is “Whole Glory.”

The trust these people place in him when they stick their hands through the wall for a free tattoo isn’t unfounded – Campbell has tattooed celebs like Marc Jacobs, Orlando Bloom and Penelope Cruz. Nonetheless, he does thank each person for their trust in him and his art. What do you think of the work he did?

7. Three-year-old girl set to become world's youngest tattoo artist

Most three-year-old girls are just getting to grips with felt pens, but Ruby Dickinson is taking her artistic tendencies a step further. The toddler is set to become the world's youngest tattoo artist after learning the trade from her father, Blane, who runs a tattoo parlour in Wales.  Mr Dickinson, 36, is importing an ink gun from the U.S. that has been specially designed to be used by small hands.  Ruby will be getting the miniature tattoo kit for her fourth birthday in October.

Mr Dickinson told North Wales Pioneer: 'Ruby is well aware she is getting the kit, she cannot wait. She wants to be a tattoo artist when she grows up. 'The aim is to get her to tattoo my leg with a birthday message for my 40th birthday.' The toddler currently takes tattoo lessons after nursery as well as practising with a toy kit at her father's shop. Mr Dickinson hopes to beat Canadian Emilie Darrigade's record of tattooing part of a butterfly on to her father's arm when she was five.

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